Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Battle Inspired by GBA Ad

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.11.2010 7

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Battle Inspired by GBA Ad on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Golden Sun developer Camelot has paid tribute to a classic TV ad for the original GBA entry as a battle in the DS game.

Back when Nintendo was promoting the original Golden Sun for GBA, the advertising campaign featured a TV segment of a young lady doing battle with a huge chandelier that came to life, and whilst spectacular wasn't related to the game.

It is now, as Camelot has replicated the ad as a battle in the new DS Golden Sun installment, Dark Dawn.

Original Golden Sun GBA advert:

Inspired battle featured in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn for DS

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is out in North America next Monday 29th November, followed by Europe on December 10th.

Via GoNintendo.

Box art for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (3 Votes)

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random much?

Such an awesome move, kudos Camelot! Great to see it happen the other way round!

I wonder what would happen if they did that for that Super Mario Bros film...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I totally forgot about that awesome comercial!

But I still think Dark Dawn looks hideous. And kind of slow.

That advert is completely random. Smilie

What a badass commercial. Too bad it has absolutely nothing to do with Golden Sun...

By the time I was done with the first game I didn't see what all the fuss was about. It was a solid RPGs, with a lot of fun, and a lot of boring, but nothing worthy of the masterpiece title some people give it. The second game I couldn't get past the first few minutes because I had completely lost interest in the story and wanted to get to other games on my list.

This new title looks like it's trying to take the series so far into the future. I have a feeling a lot of the die-hard fans might not like adjusting to a new graphical style AND gameplay style.

And yes, how random of them to make a meaningless (but really cool) commercial a part of a later installment.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

I would totally play a string instrument while on fire! Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I always found the dynamic of the first two games to be quite interesting - you spend the entirety of the first game working toward a goal, and from the very start of the second game, you take control of the very characters you were just fighting against, now working toward the opposite.

As far as taking the game too far, I couldn't disagree more. Dark Dawn isn't doing anything visually that the Tales series hast already done. I think dual-screen Djinni are epic, a perfect fit. And as far as story, you could easily tell from the beginning it was planned (the first game has hints to the second, be it the "Send Data" option or a quote from a character, "Isaac won't be the one, it has to be Felix," or something along those lines; as well as the second game starting with "Prologue of Book One.") I have a feeling that there is an epic story behind Golden Sun, and Camelot hasn't even reached the meat of it yet. I believe them when they say the first two games were just a setup of a story to come.

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