Pokemon Black and White Starters Get English Names

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.11.2010 22

Pokemon Black and White Starters Get English Names on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has launched the official website for the new Pokemon Black and White games, revealing the three stater critters.

We've seen the trio in action before in the Japanese version, but now they've received their English names. Introducing the Grass-type Snivy, the Fire-type Tepig, and the Water-type Oshawott! Each of these will be put to the test in the newly discovered region of Unova.

Image for Pokemon Black and White Starters Get English Names

For more details be sure to check out the official Pokemon Black and White website.

Pokemon Black and White are out for Nintendo DS early next year.

Thanks to C3 readers Wolvesgod and Stulaw for the tip.

Box art for Pokémon Black & White

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NH (guest) 24.11.2010#1

I don't care what they're called myself, I'm still calling my grass starter Smugleaf.

( Edited 18.04.2013 05:02 by Guest )

Again with the Smugleaf?!

What in Cod's name is so incredibly great about the name 'Smugleaf'?!

I've seen over a 100 posts ranting about how it should've just been called that, it's ridiculous.

I personally like the names. They actually sound like NAMES instead of random words someone made up to make sure no Pokémon remains without identitah.

( Edited 18.04.2013 05:02 by Guest )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I like them, personally.

Oshawott is definitely my favourite name out of the three, along with the actual Pokemon design, as well.

( Edited 18.04.2013 05:02 by Guest )

Yeah Oshawott I really like. Smilie

Tepig is a really lazy name but you can see where they're going with him and his evolutions. (lukewarm to hot)

Snivy I prefer to Smugleaf. Smilie

( Edited 17.04.2013 04:53 by Guest )

Jules (guest) 24.11.2010#5

OMG the pig is sooooo cute!!!!! When is this game out in Spain? Is there date for Europe yet?

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Not Satisfied with Nintendo (guest) 24.11.2010#6

Snivy sounds like an evil villian from Harry Potter...

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Jules (guest) said:
OMG the pig is sooooo cute!!!!! When is this game out in Spain? Is there date for Europe yet?

I'm guessing May for Europe. Smilie

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Well, I'm going to end up with the German names anyways so I can check those three names out for now.

I actually have said to myself that I won't read any information on the game before I have it in my hands because I knew pretty much EVERYTHING about the previous games before they were even released. Smilie

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

I like the grass one, and the fire pig looks awesome but that water Pokemon "Oshawott" looks pretty darn freaky, a murderer in the making methinks.

Tehpig for the win!

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ifrit XXII said:
Jules (guest) said:
OMG the pig is sooooo cute!!!!! When is this game out in Spain? Is there date for Europe yet?

I'm guessing May for Europe. Smilie

You mean...just before my final year of Uni exams...? Smilie
Normally I'm a water type, but Tepig is defo winning me over!
Also, where does the name Oshawott come from? Anyone know?

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

matthew (guest) 24.11.2010#11

i like the japaness name

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Cheesing it up said:
Ifrit XXII said:
Jules (guest) said:
OMG the pig is sooooo cute!!!!! When is this game out in Spain? Is there date for Europe yet?

I'm guessing May for Europe. Smilie

You mean...just before my final year of Uni exams...? Smilie
Normally I'm a water type, but Tepig is defo winning me over!
Also, where does the name Oshawott come from? Anyone know?

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

Although I like some people's Metal Gear Versions: Revolver Oshawott, Solid Snivy, Tepig Boss.

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Also the name of the region, has an english name too. Unova (sounds loosely like, UNited state OV (for of) America)

I'd have to say, that since last gen, i've been into the grass type. at first I was into the fire types, then changed to the grass types.

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

And for the first gen since gen 2, Ash has all 3 starters. Although they really should let him grow up and end his story by winning the Pokemon League.

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Who are you guys gonna start with? Traditionally, I always started with the fire type... but this time I'm saying hello to Snivy!

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

GreythaGreat said:
Who are you guys gonna start with? Traditionally, I always started with the fire type... but this time I'm saying hello to Snivy!

I always took the fire types too because they were just what I wanted but here I'm not sure yet. From the looks I don't have a definite favorite right now but then again I haven't seen the evolutions yet because I'm avoiding too many spoilers for now. I think it'll boil down to what starter is the best offensive Pokémon, both fast and strong. Those starters usually are the best way to own pretty much everyone single-handedly and I like that. Smilie

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Fire pig, fire pig! Looks the best imo. Usually pick fire or water myself, though loved all 3 in the original. Can't beat ol' Charmander, Squirtle and Bulba!

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
enrico (guest) 25.11.2010#18

tepig is a bad name

( Edited 23.11.2012 17:00 by Guest )

Snivy = a fusion of the words, snake and ivy.

Tepig is a play off the word tepid.

(Definition of TEPID
: moderately warm : lukewarm
a : lacking in passion, force, or zest b : marked by an absence of enthusiasm or conviction

�" te·pid·i·ty\tÉ�-ˈpi-dÉ�-t�", te-\ noun
�" tep·id·ly\ˈte-pÉ�d-l�"\ adverb
�" tep·id·ness noun )

and no one know about the blue dude, yet.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out
fapfapfapfap (guest) 25.11.2010#20

still calling my MIJUMARU wotter

I think smugleaf is a better name than snivy, but I'm not going to freak out about it. Snivy is still a good name, and I'd be super surprised if Nintendo adopted a Meme.

Tepig is a good name, I just hope they end up with Emboar. That was a great name.

Oshawott... kind of a weird name, but oh well. He's kind of a quirky mon, and he'll only have his name for 14-18 levels anyway.

I'm just ready to see the names they give the other new monsters. They'll be better, I think.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

The water type one looks like one of the Octonauts...ah do a google search on it lol

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