WIN Michael Jackson: The Experience (Wii/DS)

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.11.2010 3

Ever wanted to sing and dance like Michael Jackson?

Celebrate the late King of Pop's 40 year musical career in Ubisoft's Michael Jackson: The Experience. Learn the moves, lyrics and dance to Michael's award-winning hits including Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal and Thriller!

We've teamed up with Ubisoft to give you the chance to WIN one of two copies of the Wii or DS versions of Michael Jackson: The Experience!

To enter answer the following question with your username, contact email address and which version you would like to enter for. There'll be two draws and you are allowed to enter once for each of the games.

Which of these is not a Michael Jackson album?

A.) Dream Street
B.) Off the Wall
C.) Bad
D.) Dangerous

Your Username:
Your Email:
Version of the game: Wii DS

Competition closes Monday 6th December 2010, 6pm GMT. Good luck!

Competition Rules

  • UK, Europe, US and Australian entrants only.
  • The game is PAL only and will NOT work on an NTSC Wii console.
  • Entrants must be registered members of Cubed3 to take part.
  • Competition not open to employees of Cubed3 or Ubisoft.
  • The competition ends on Monday 6th December 2010. 6pm GMT. Winners will be notified through a news post and e-mail.
  • Winners must provide their details within five days of being contacted by Cubed3. Failing this another entrant will be selected at random.
  • Entries are limited to one per person, per household and per draw. The submitting of duplicate or multiple entries shall result in instant disqualification, unless stated otherwise. The decision made as to the winner is final and no correspondence shall be entered into. There is no cash alternative for the prize. We do not hold responsibility for the prize being lost, delayed or damaged during postage.

    Box art for Michael Jackson: The Experience








    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  7/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (5 Votes)

    European release date Nov 2010   North America release date Nov 2010   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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    The game is PAL only and will NOT work on an NTSC Wii console.

    [image of someone swearing]

    ( Edited 25.11.2010 01:23 by jb )

    The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

    Good luck guys!
    Nice to see that members outside of the UK can enter, even if people in the US will be stuck with a PAL version. Smilie

    Aye, tis open for regions outside the UK - so definitely get those dancing shoes on people! There are ways to play PAL games, and definitely worth entering for the music Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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