Prepare for Glee Karaoke on Nintendo Wii

By Adam Riley 10.11.2010 2

Prepare for Glee Karaoke on Nintendo Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami and Twentieth Century Fox have announced that Karaoke Revolution Glee is now available in retail stores nationwide in the US on Wii. Combining music and footage from Fox's award-winning hit television series GLEE, with the world's most popular Karaoke video game, Karaoke Revolution Glee provides "Gleeks" the opportunity to immerse themselves in their favourite show like never before. The game features 30 original chart-topping musical numbers and captivating performances from Season One including "Don't Stop Believin'", "Somebody to Love", "Gold Digger", "No Air", "Proud Mary", and more. Even more than the selection of songs is the ability for players to perform alongside their favourite GLEE characters, including the infamous Rachel Berry, football star Finn Hudson, and the Glee club's fearless leader, Will Schuester. As an added bonus, Karaoke Revolution Glee offers exclusive songs and footage that have never been seen on television.

Millions of fans nationwide have made GLEE one of the leading musical shows of our generation. As leaders in the music game genre, we felt it was only natural to partner with FOX to create an experience that 'Gleeks' and gamers can enjoy in an interactive Karaoke experience.
- Shinji Hirano, President of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

Karaoke Revolution Glee will take the franchise to a whole new level by giving fans a chance to pick up the mic and join their favourite characters on stage. 'Gleeks' can now join the New Directions glee club and experience the show footage, themes, characters and music in a whole new way. We're very pleased to be able to join forces with Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. to offer this to our devoted fan base.
- Gary Rosenfeld, Senior Vice President, New Media for Fox Consumer Products.

Karaoke Revolution Glee utilises Konami's proprietary voice recognition technology, which accurately recognises and scores vocal pitch and rhythm, helping gamers reach those hard-hitting notes and perfect their harmonies to their favourite tunes. In the game, players can perform as a soloist in single player mode and in harmonies or as a duet in multiplayer singing games. Additionally, unlockable content will be available in a special gameplay mode allowing gamers to access memorable show moments from Season One.

Karaoke Revolution Glee is now available, exclusively on Wii, at retailers nationwide in the US for the US$59.99 and comes bundled with a microphone.

Box art for Karaoke Revolution Glee








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Hal (guest) 10.11.2010#1

Prepare is certainly the right word!

And this is why I don't support mankind in its existence.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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