Michael Jackson: The Experience to Come Bundled with Glove

By 02.11.2010 3

Michael Jackson: The Experience to Come Bundled with Glove on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Michael Jackson fans can have even more to look forward to, when it comes to the Wii version of Michael Jackson: The Experience. The title is set to launch in Europe on November 26th and in the US on November 23rd. Ubisoft have now announced a special gift for launch buyers though and if you grab a copy at launch, you’ll now get a special edition Michael Jackson glove bundled with game.

The glove is a replica of the trademark one worn by Michael Jackson, himself and is famous for featuring throughout many of his performances, during his career. The glove comes complete with sparkly crystals covering the outer side, or in this case, most likely plastic ones.

Ubisoft have also announced two more new tracks that will feature in the game, with Speed Demon and Dirty Diana now added to the track listings. It brings the track list number up to fifteen and more are likely to be announced before the games release. A complete listing of tracks announced so far, can be found below.

Announced Tracks

Beat It
Billie Jean
Black or White
Dirty Diana
Earth Song
Rock with You
Smooth Criminal
Speed Demon
The Girl Is Mine
They Don't Care About Us
Who Is It
Workin' Day and Night

One of the most iconic symbols of Michael Jackson's music and performance legacy is his signature glove. Consumers are encouraged to either pre-order Michael Jackson The Experience early or make sure to purchase the title on day one in order to get this special edition glove as we're sure it will sell out quickly.

Tony Key, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Ubisoft

Box art for Michael Jackson: The Experience








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Nov 2010   North America release date Nov 2010   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Now I can grab my crotch with style!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Fab, nice one on the line-up, sounds solid so far!

Out of the list my faves: Dirty Diana, Earth Song, Bad, Beat It, Earth Song, Ghost, Smooth Criminal, Rock with You, The Girl is Mine, They Don't Care About Us, Thriller and Who is it?

Hoping for Is it Scary?, Off the Wall, Dangerous and Jam to be added to the list (tho those two are definite shoe-ins!)

( Edited 02.11.2010 21:47 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ubisoft packing the game with a glove that can be bought on the net for less than 2 dollars - makes sense.

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