Nintendo Plan to Hold 3DS Promotional Events

By 29.10.2010 6

Nintendo Plan to Hold 3DS Promotional Events on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have seen recent drops in sales of their current handheld system, the Nintendo DS and could it now be a more lacklustre launch for the Nintendo 3DS? The new handheld will be missing the Christmas and New Year holiday periods in Japan, a time when shopping is at its most popular. Instead though, the 3DS will be hitting Japan in February, which isn’t a time when Japanese shoppers are known to buy as much. Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata has faith in the console though and believes it will sell well, especially with the help of planned worldwide promotional events.

The events announced by Nintendo, are designed to enable gamers try out the main feature of the handheld, the 3D screen. It was a concern for Nintendo back at E3, where the company admitted they would have a tough time promoting the 3D aspect and the company hope these events will conquer the problem. Satoru Iwata has also stressed the importance of seeing the 3DS first-hand.

Apart from one event announcement in Japan, there have been no other details revealed about other locations, as of yet. The first event announced will be held on January 8th, 9th and 10th at the Makuhari Messe, outside of Tokyo.

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I'm not gonna get my hopes up that one of those will be even remotely close to where I live. Then again, I don't need to see the 3D effect in advance to buy it. Ocarina of Time 3D alone sealed the deal for me.

I guess the West will see something similar later on in the month, or possibly early in February.

GDC in late February will also be a great opportunity to get the device in the hands of potential developers.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I would like to at least demo the 3D effect, I'm still thinking it won't work for me. I don't know why, I just have that feeling. Even if the 3D effect doesn't work for me, I'll still buy myself one. Just for the awesome titles announced.

Mush123 said:
I would like to at least demo the 3D effect, I'm still thinking it won't work for me. I don't know why, I just have that feeling. Even if the 3D effect doesn't work for me, I'll still buy myself one. Just for the awesome titles announced.

I thought the 3D effect wouldn't work for me because of the squint in my left eye, but it does thankfully Smilie. It just takes a little getting used to, it also depends how well developed the 3D effect is.

It would be brilliant if they did this in the UK, I live in London, so I should have no problem getting to an event.

A friend of mine recently tried out the console when he went to Japan, apparently in a shop or something at the airport? Definitely agree with Iwata that the 3D effect needs to be tried out to convince potential adopters.

The games look great as they are, so I don't any fears about advertising on the TV/Cinema, but I'm sure there are more creative ways Nintendo can introduce the 3D - perhaps through specialist billboards, those projector ones or something like that.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

All I need is Ocarina of Time and MGS3 and im sorted.

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