New Donkey Kong Country Returns Trailer

By Richard 29.10.2010 27

New Donkey Kong Country Returns Trailer  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have released a new trailer for their upcoming Retro Studios developed platformer, Donkey Kong Country Returns. This new trailer showcases some of the games beautifully crafted lush looking environments, and a snippet of what appears to be new rocket barrel gameplay.

Donkey Kong Country Returns arrives in stores across Europe on December 3rd, while those in the U.S see the game hitting stores next month on November 21st.


A new must see gameplay video has emerged:

Box art for Donkey Kong Country Returns





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (19 Votes)

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Wow, I'm thrilled at how awesome this looks!

Looks totally awesome. This seems like the total opposite of Kirby's Epic Yarn. Extremely fast-paced, action platforming with a high level of difficulty. I'll be getting this for X-mas for sure Smilie.

SirLink said:
Looks totally awesome. This seems like the total opposite of Kirby's Epic Yarn. Extremely fast-paced, action platforming with a high level of difficulty. I'll be getting this for X-mas for sure Smilie.

Yea, Retro Studios have designed the new game with speed runs and unlockables in mind. There's going to be high level of replay value with this title.

This is the best interview concerning the game so far, it gives you all the information and assurances you need, if you still need any.

( Edited 28.10.2010 20:43 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Great interview! Thanks for posting.Smilie

I don't trust that interview. The English translator speaks 3 times as much as the Japanese one being translated.

Looks absolutely awesome. Cannot effing wait.

Whilst it does look fantastic, it doesn't really look like the Donkey Kong Country games. They should have called it Donkey Kong Returns, in my opinion. The naming choice is obviously to create more buzz around the game, along with improved sales, just like SEGA did with Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

Still, I'm just glad Donkey Kong is back and in the sort of game he deserves to be in. This looks far better than New Super Mario Bros. Wii and has clearly had more work put into it.

Maybe I'm just mad about there being no more Kremlins, but I really think the Tiki's seem cheap and boring compared to crocs.

The lack of Water levels too has me a little disappointed as they were beautiful and were very relaxing.

My one wish is for weather-heavy levels like the rain/snowstorm levels in the original.

Even with these shortcomings, it's looking much better than DCK3. Smilie

Marzy said:
Whilst it does look fantastic, it doesn't really look like the Donkey Kong Country games. They should have called it Donkey Kong Returns, in my opinion. The naming choice is obviously to create more buzz around the game, along with improved sales, just like SEGA did with Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

I don't really agree, I think the name suits it perfectly. If it had called itself DKC4, then I would see a problem with it. But like NSMB, it isn't passing itself off as a sequel but more a 'return' to it's roots.

I just wish Sega had put as much love and effort into Sonic 4. Smilie

( Edited 28.10.2010 22:44 by Ifrit XXII )

Yeah, have to agree with Ifrit on the naming of the game. At first I was like, "Why isn't it called DKC4?!", but now I see it's a wise naming decision. It's still very much DK Country, but definitely more of a reboot, in the same way Sonic 4 and New Super Mario have been. I can see now that it would only lead to disappointment if it was called DKC4. It has a lot to live up to. And whilst I have been dying for a true DKC4 for years, I think in reality we won't really get one unless they used the exact same engine used for the first 3 games.

DKC Returns looks to be the next best thing a real DKC fan could wish for, and I for one am extremely excited about this. Much more so than Sonic 4 or New Super Mario ever made me. You just know this game will last you a damn good while.

I too am disappointed at a lack of water levels, but hopefully things will stay fresh throughout the game and not get too samey to compensate. Hoping for some awesome music too. I am forever finding myself listening to tracks from DKC games. They truly do have some of the best music in games.

( Edited 28.10.2010 22:47 by Azuardo )

Looks absolutely gorgeous, will definitely consider getting this. Based on what I've played it's a lovely retake on the classic series, it doesn't quite handle the same, but it's a solid, enjoyable setup for sure (unlike Sonic 4).

On the whole name issue, I definitely agree that calling it Donkey Kong Country 4 would have been a bad, bad and certainly stupidly risky venture. It does follow the whole Country concept, but I prefer Marzy's name where "Country" is ommitted - just feels more fresh and less of a slapped on inclusion.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Looks absolutely gorgeous, will definitely consider getting this. Based on what I've played it's a lovely retake on the classic series, it doesn't quite handle the same, but it's a solid, enjoyable setup for sure (unlike Sonic 4).

On the whole name issue, I definitely agree that calling it Donkey Kong Country 4 would have been a bad, bad and certainly stupidly risky venture. It does follow the whole Country concept, but I prefer Marzy's name where "Country" is ommitted - just feels more fresh and less of a slapped on inclusion.

As far as the controls, it's hard to replicate the same feel of a D-pad using an analogue stuck, so that can be forgiven. As long as they've tried their best to replicate the feel, I don't think we can have any complaints.

If there's anything I'm miffed about, it would be the fact that the game uses motion controls which tie the game to Wii Remote & Nunchuk controls. It would have been nice to have had some conventional CC controls, with a button for ground-pounding.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Squidboy said:

As far as the controls, it's hard to replicate the same feel of a D-pad using an analogue stuck, so that can be forgiven. As long as they've tried their best to replicate the feel, I don't think we can have any complaints.

If there's anything I'm miffed about, it would be the fact that the game uses motion controls which tie the game to Wii Remote & Nunchuk controls. It would have been nice to have had some conventional CC controls, with a button for ground-pounding.

"If you don't want the motion, you can unplug the nunchuk and play with just the Wii remote held in classic NES-style orientation" From the preview at IGN.

Doesn't tell whether you can use the CC or not but at least there is an alternative without motion.

@ SirLink

As far as I am aware, you still have to shake the Wii remote to do the ground pound action, even if you are playing using the horizontal style. There's only 2 controller options - remote + nunchuck, or remote on its side.

I remember reading that and being pretty annoyed about it. I wish devs would sometimes just forget about damn motion controls and let us play a game designed for classic controls to be used with classic controls.

But that's about the only thing I can knock Retro for with this game as it looks brilliant.

Edit: I do hope I'm wrong about the controller methods and that we can indeed play without motion controls and with a classic/GameCube controller, but I'm pretty certain that's what I've read here at C3 in the past.

( Edited 29.10.2010 15:31 by Azuardo )

Don't see why people have a problem with the "shake for ground pound" controls. The shake controls worked perfectly fine in NSMBW and I'm sure they will in this too.
I'll be using the horizontal Wii controls anyways.

( Edited 29.10.2010 15:47 by Mush123 )

@Azuardo: That would be pretty weird...that's why I excluded that possibility when reading the preview at IGN. If you read it somewhere in the past then maybe it wasn't final yet and they changed it. That would be a possibility considering that the game is final now, around 1 month before release.

( Edited 29.10.2010 15:49 by SirLink )

Mush123 said:
Don't see why people have a problem with the "shake for ground pound" controls. The shake controls worked perfectly fine in NSMBW and I'm sure they will in this too.
I'll be using the horizontal Wii controls anyways.

It's not too big of a problem, but there's times when I wanna play games like this where I just wanna slouch on the couch or whatever, chill, and kick back with the game. Sometimes I can't get into the mood for actually shaking a remote about.

Sounds extremely lazy, I know lol.

Azuardo said:
Mush123 said:
Don't see why people have a problem with the "shake for ground pound" controls. The shake controls worked perfectly fine in NSMBW and I'm sure they will in this too.
I'll be using the horizontal Wii controls anyways.

It's not too big of a problem, but there's times when I wanna play games like this where I just wanna slouch on the couch or whatever, chill, and kick back with the game. Sometimes I can't get into the mood for actually shaking a remote about.

Sounds extremely lazy, I know lol.

You can shake the Wii remote while slouching on the couch.

No, you can't Smilie

New info from Nintendo Power:

- Cranky Kong returns! (No other Kong's are returning)
- Cranky runs a shop and makes sarcastic remarks about what you buy.
- Squawks now resides in the shop. (He's Cranky's hostage to keep him company.)
- Six worlds.
- Worlds have generic names like "Jungle"
- Nintendo Power says it’s as hard as the original trilogy.
- Tikis are part of the “Tiki Tak Tribe”
- A Tiki tries to posses DK at the beginning of the game, but gets sent flying.
- New to the series: Alternate paths in worlds so you can skip levels. (similar to NSMB)
- Unlockables include concept art, music, and dioramas.
- “Trophy level” in each world. You need to earn these levels before they can be played.
(unknown how you do this)
- One locked level in each world. You need to purchase a key at Cranky’s shop to unlock these.
- Rocket barrel: A to ascend, let go to descend.

( Edited 29.10.2010 23:55 by Ifrit XXII )

Nice Ifrit. Cheers!

Azuardo said:
Nice Ifrit. Cheers!

Updated it with a little more info. Smilie

SirLink said:
Squidboy said:

As far as the controls, it's hard to replicate the same feel of a D-pad using an analogue stuck, so that can be forgiven. As long as they've tried their best to replicate the feel, I don't think we can have any complaints.

If there's anything I'm miffed about, it would be the fact that the game uses motion controls which tie the game to Wii Remote & Nunchuk controls. It would have been nice to have had some conventional CC controls, with a button for ground-pounding.

"If you don't want the motion, you can unplug the nunchuk and play with just the Wii remote held in classic NES-style orientation" From the preview at IGN.

Doesn't tell whether you can use the CC or not but at least there is an alternative without motion.

I hate the D-Pad on the Wii Remote, it's good for menu selections and little else. Either one of the CC's would be far better.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

The new trailer looks amazing. Smilie Still wanting to see more weather-heavy stages but it looks very promising so far. Smilie

There seems to be a far greater emphasis on fast, timed sections. Parts where you're constantly moving on a track or where you have to keep running to survive. I just hope they include lots of calm and peaceful levels to give you a break.

The levels with Rambo, do you think he's optional like DKC1? or do you think he's required to get through the level like DKC2&3?

( Edited 30.10.2010 09:43 by Ifrit XXII )

From what I've seen, it looks like he will be required to get through certain levels.

The gameplay trailer showed some really fantastic looking levels and although it was hard to hear the music, I did hear some nice remixes from the original Donkey Kong Country.

If the original theme music makes a return, I will be very happy.

( Edited 30.10.2010 11:47 by Marzy )

Yea, it looks like he's required. Take note of those blocked walls he has to smash through, how else could you navigate those?.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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