Maybe I'm just mad about there being no more Kremlins, but I really think the Tiki's seem cheap and boring compared to crocs.
The lack of Water levels too has me a little disappointed as they were beautiful and were very relaxing.
My one wish is for weather-heavy levels like the rain/snowstorm levels in the original.
Even with these shortcomings, it's looking much better than DCK3. 
Marzy said:
Whilst it does look fantastic, it doesn't really look like the Donkey Kong Country games. They should have called it Donkey Kong Returns, in my opinion. The naming choice is obviously to create more buzz around the game, along with improved sales, just like SEGA did with Sonic the Hedgehog 4.
I don't really agree, I think the name suits it perfectly. If it had called itself DKC4,
then I would see a problem with it. But like NSMB, it isn't passing itself off as a sequel but more a 'return' to it's roots.
I just wish Sega had put as much love and effort into Sonic 4. 
( Edited 28.10.2010 22:44 by Ifrit XXII )