Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS in Motion

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.10.2010 15

Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS in Motion on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a recent press conference in Japan, TV show MXTV nabbed footage of various 3D games in motion - including Ocarina of Time 3DS.

The remake of the Nintendo 64 classic finds our Hylian protagonist Link reborn with a vibrant new palette and more expansive world as the adventure is retold for the 3D handheld. The footage, snapped alongside Resident Evil Revelations, features Link taking his first steps into his home village, the Kokiri Forest, summoned by the Deku Tree to save the world, poke a spider in the eye, have lunch and then save the world all over again.

We're very excited!

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



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I like what I see on the touch screen.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

This looks ridiculously good, stills aren't doing it justice. That framerate is awesome, everything is so fluid. I can't wait Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Yea, the new menu definitely looks very slick. I also like those nice little touches here and there, like those bushes in the area with the Kokiri Sword chest.

Oh and I totally forgot. I <3 the framerate.

( Edited 26.10.2010 20:29 by SirLink )

Framerate looks awesome, really does well in motion Smilie

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3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

So the game still runs as you flick through the menu? Wouldn't that be a little irratating in heated moments?

Ohhhh yes baby this looks incredible, link looks more fluid and also have they changed the way he runs...

Good, great, and greater. Everything appears to be in place so far. Can't wait to see more.

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AdamC3 (guest) 27.10.2010#8

Azuardo said:
So the game still runs as you flick through the menu? Wouldn't that be a little irratating in heated moments?

Around the 2:20 mark you see the camera pan out, just catching a glimpse of the 'Pause' message on the top screen.

The more I watch it, the more I like it, especially the framerate.

I also like the way links hat sort of moves with the wind.

I think his running looks a bit odd though, might be because the character models seem taller.

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AdamC3 (guest) said:
Azuardo said:
So the game still runs as you flick through the menu? Wouldn't that be a little irratating in heated moments?

Around the 2:20 mark you see the camera pan out, just catching a glimpse of the 'Pause' message on the top screen.

Well spotted!

This looks great, runs so smooth. Smilie

Very excited for this - can't wait! Looks nice and smooth in motion. Maybe OoT all over again, but will still definitely play it over!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

AdamC3 (guest) said:
Around the 2:20 mark you see the camera pan out, just catching a glimpse of the 'Pause' message on the top screen.
It says アイテム - item, not paused...it could still be paused though I guess...don't know which I'd prefer - in areas where you're just running from A to B, it would be cool if you could do stuff with your inventory at the same time.

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Simon_ said:
AdamC3 (guest) said:
Around the 2:20 mark you see the camera pan out, just catching a glimpse of the 'Pause' message on the top screen.
It says アイテム - item, not paused...it could still be paused though I guess...don't know which I'd prefer - in areas where you're just running from A to B, it would be cool if you could do stuff with your inventory at the same time.

I think they'll do it so you can use your inventory on-the-fly and in the pause screen.

I really hope you can have the map on the touch screen, especially in dungeons. No need to squash it onto the top screen.

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