Miyamoto: Mario Originally Fired Bullets and Ate Mushrooms

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.10.2010 11

Miyamoto: Mario Originally Fired Bullets and Ate Mushrooms on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario's father, famed Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto, recently revealed their original intention: Mario would have fired guns.

Sitting down and discussing interesting facts about the development of the original Super Mario Bros, Miyamoto shed a little light on the thought processes on what we may consider simple standards in Mario games, like the ability to throw fireballs and chomp on mushrooms.

As translated by 1up, we find out that the original concept came from experience in Excitebike and Kung-Fu, with a need for an athletic man to leap over and around obstacles.

We felt strongly about how we were the first to come up with that genre, and it was a goal of ours to keep pushing it

The team had Mario shooting bullets with one button, and even considered including a shoot-em-up stage where players would sit atop a cloud shooting enemies. It started off as "A" to shoot, "B" to dash and up to jump.

Image for Miyamoto: Mario Originally Fired Bullets and Ate MushroomsEventually Nintendo settled on fireballs, and made it so that "A" would be used to jump, and "B" to dash - to avoid players having the ability to continually run and shoot at the same time.

The idea behind Mario's famous mushrooms came as a mixture of folk tales (e.g. Alice in Wonderland), where mushrooms were central to growth and also prototypes being too close to Mario. When Nintendo zoomed out, Miyamoto didn't want his hero to shrink, so they devised the mushroom concept to keep Mario in the spotlight.

That, in turn, led to us calling the in-game world the 'Mushroom Kingdom' and the rest of the basic plot setup sprung from there.

Miyamoto also admits that some of the glitches encountered, like the infinite 1up trick, were intentional.

Box art for Super Mario Bros.





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Who would have thought our lovable plumber would have been so very violent if he had a gun (not to mention, very easy to beat - no doubt). Glad Miyamoto changed that with fireflowers. I don't want to see Mario with a gun... Not since the Yoshi's Safari game

When Nintendo zoomed out


The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I couldn't imagine this. Miyamoto, how could you even think about that?! Smilie

Barg (guest) 21.10.2010#4

I can't rally see Mario with guns... The fireballs were great instead of guns. Miyamoto and probably everyone here would know that if Mario had guns, the game would have been way too easy and just lose appeal as all you will do is shoot and move/jump.

When Nintendo zoomed out, Miyamoto didn't want his hero to shrink

I don't really understand this sentence either. It must be really late...

And a lot of games had guns, and I wouldn't say they are easy. Obviously if Mario had a gun, or was able to shoot all the time, the level and enemy design would be vastly different.

So they wanted to make him a little trigger-happy Italian plumber?


~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Original Mario = Original Gansta

I always knew the 1up trick was intentional, the way those two Koopa's walk down that ramp begs you to try it out on the second one.

( Edited 21.10.2010 10:39 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Me and my sister, always knew it was odd that the main power-ups are real close to being like drugs.

Fire flower - weed/marijuana
star power-up - speed
mushroom - shrooms

(so I guess if mario was to be a "gunner" I wonder who will be the lead of the genre, Mario or GTA... XD

Also wasn't their an E3 conference when someone said, "And Mario will never start shooting hoojers?"

( Edited 21.10.2010 12:02 by wolvesgod2x )

About zooming out, the article on Eurogamer explained it better:

"The first game prototype we had going wasn't very good because you couldn't see very far ahead of you. People wanted to have more of the world visible onscreen, but I didn't want to make Mario any smaller than he was.
So we decided to build the world on the scale of a smaller Mario, then make him larger in the final version. That's the moment we struck upon the idea of starting Mario out small and letting him get bigger later."

wolvesgod2x said:
Me and my sister, always knew it was odd that the main power-ups are real close to being like drugs.

Fire flower - weed/marijuana
star power-up - speed
mushroom - shrooms

Also there are pipes everywhere...

They should really bring this back - but instead of bullets and guns, have Mario fire Bullet Bills as a power-up. That would be awesome!

Plus they can do super hardcore puzzles where you'd have to fire and bounce off the Bills you fire!

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