Fans Begin Mother 4 Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.10.2010 9

Fans Begin Mother 4 Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Nintendo refusing to budge on an official translation for the much sought after Mother 3, fans have started on a sequel.

The fan project, according to Kotaku, continues the series design and look but has nothing to do with Nintendo or series creator Shigesato Itoi. Fans have certainly shown their dedication in the past, even releasing a translation pack a few years back for the Japan-only Mother 3.

The only game in the series to make it outside Japan was Mother 2, better known as Earthbound.

Do you still want Nintendo to officially release Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) outside Japan? What would you like to see in the upcoming fan game?

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Mother 3 was awesome, shame it was never released outside Japan. I definitely urge everyone who hasn't played it to get the fan translation.

As for a fan made Mother 4, sounds like a pretty fun idea. XD I'm not really into fan-made games though, so I doubt I'll play it.

Power to the people!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

there is not reason to ask this we all know we all want it 8)SmilieSmilieSmilie

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore
paul (guest) 19.10.2010#4

so its not mother 4 then

I never got into Mother/Earthbound. I find it over hyped just because it wasn't released in US. I find Super Mario RPG much better than Earthbound during the SNES time.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!
AdamC3 (guest) 20.10.2010#6

Countdown until this gets canned: 5...4...3... Smilie

SuperShyGuy62 said:
I never got into Mother/Earthbound. I find it over hyped just because it wasn't released in US. I find Super Mario RPG much better than Earthbound during the SNES time.

Yeah, although I haven't played much of the Mother/Earthbound series; I found Super Mario RPG better.
I hadn't played Super Mario RPG until Ninty gave the UK a chance to play it (They brought it onto the European VC as part of the Hanabi festival. Smilie)

It was never released in Europe before then. Apart from US ROMs, of course.

( Edited 19.10.2010 23:11 by Mush123 )

Welcome to February 26th, 2009
THAT'S when fans began devolping this. Kotaku was more than a year late, now you guys are.

I don't understand what fans are going off of for this. Are they just creating a game based on the stylings of the mother series, or are they making a direct sequel to Mother 3?

As far as the translation, of COURSE they should send Mother 3 to western audiences. They could sell it on WiiWare or release it as a virtual console exclusive. It might be a licensing issue with Brownie Brown or remnants of Halken, I don't know. But if they can put Lucas in Brawl, I don't see why they can't remake the game or just translate it.

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