Ace Attorney Anniversary Site Launches

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2010 2

Ace Attorney Anniversary Site Launches on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The cheeky Phoenix Wright will have outwitted prosecutors and saved the innocent for over ten years in 2011.

Capcom's Ace Attorney series, better known in Japan as Gyakuten Saiban, has been running for almost ten years, and has since seen four main games on the GameBoy/DS, two spin-off adventures and even a port for the Wii. It all began with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, originally made for the GameBoy Advance and released on October 11, 2001.

The 10th birthday maybe just a year away but Capcom has plans up its ruffled sleeve - starting with the launch of the complimenting Ace Attorney Anniversary website.

It may not be the ever-pointing lawyer's 10th in the West, but we're sure Capcom has some nifty surprises in store.

What do you think Capcom will do for the Ace Attorney birthday celebrations - what games would you like to see?

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney








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The new Ace Attorney game in development between CAPCOM and Level 5 should be ready by the time the proper 10 year anniversary is in full effect.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 2 & 3 on the iPhone, please.

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