New Details for Shin'en Racer FAST

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.10.2010 9

New Details for Shin

German developer Shin’en is crafting a unique futuristic racer for WiiWare, FAST: Racing League.

Since the game's announcement last month, studio president Manfred Linzner spoke to Siliconera on developing the game for the service's restrictions, the project's unique phase-shifting features and whether the game will race online or not.

  • Shin'en felt that the futuristic racing genre is lacking on the Wii so felt that they would be able to create something different.
  • Players can "switch the phase" of their ship, between negative/dark and postive/bright phases. For example if you ship is in a positive phase and you ride over a positive zipper you'd speed up.
  • Also incoporates jump/boost features for balancing.
  • Different environment features affected by phase, like driving on the ceiling if it has a certain phase, or clinging to certain walls.
  • Trying to make each track visually intuitive, clear instead of relying on arrows, the overhead map and players having to memories a layout.
  • No online play, but will include 1-4 player splitscreen.
  • Uncertain how many tracks and racers will make the final 40MB limit.
  • Supports Wii remote and Wii Remote/nunchuck. May include Wii Classic Controller.
  • Biggest challenge was getting the AI and physics engine right, as well as ensuring it all runs at a smooth 60 frames per second when playing with more than one player.

Box art for Fast Racing League

Shin'en Multimedia







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I hope it's decent, Nintendo really should make another Fzero, it's weird they just stopped making them.

They had the great Gamecube one and about 3 GBA games and even had an anime in Japan, then nada. Tis weird.

Grey Fox (guest) 10.10.2010#2

Nintendo/SEGA - a new F-Zero game, stat. This beats the shit out of the ficitional Wii versioN!

Actualy, I like the phase idea, and how it ties into sticking to walls and stuff.

Yes, a full, proper FZeroGX style Fzero would be great, but seeing as theres a gap, I wont criticize these people for filling it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Nintendo isn't making another F-Zero because Miyamoto was disappointed with the result. He may be talking about GX or one of the GBA games; it's not really clear.

Here's the article from several years ago, which links to the interview:
(btw, it is nice to see some old favorites in the comment section)

Miyamoto wasn't content with F-Zero GX? I thought everybody loved it. I personally prefer the controls of F-Zero X on N64, but I enjoyed GX.

Trem (guest) 10.10.2010#6

Well when has Miyamoto ever been right apart from Mario?

Miyamoto is generally more or less right on everything except when it comes to story's. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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PMD said:
Nintendo isn't making another F-Zero because Miyamoto was disappointed with the result. He may be talking about GX or one of the GBA games; it's not really clear.

Here's the article from several years ago, which links to the interview:
(btw, it is nice to see some old favorites in the comment section)

Actually he was quoted saying he thought it was a great game

"Miyamoto thought the collaboration resulted in a "true evolution of the F-Zero series", enhancing the simulation of racing at high speeds and expanding the "F-Zero world on a grand scale"."

( Edited 10.10.2010 19:45 by Jimmy2000 )

As long as there's no balancing the wiimote for steering we should be ok.

I hope it is fast, spinny and doesn't feature too many "flat| tracks. I loved f-zero gx (MORE, nintendo, MORE!) and part of what was great about the tracks was the 3d-ishness of them. Lovely.

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