High Voltage Thwart Conduit Cheaters in Sequel

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.10.2010 14

High Voltage Thwart Conduit Cheaters in Sequel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first game in the Conduit series was plagued with issues in its online play. Developer High Voltage hope to remedy the sequel.

In an interview with GamingNexus, The Conduit 2 producer Keith Hladik explained how the team will try to ensure hacking and cheaters are kept to a minimum. Together with Nintendo they've been looking into the issues found in the original and will be supporting downloadable patches and fixes to ensure it doesn't happen in the long-run.

I obviously can’t go into much more detail other than to say we are working hard to preemptively thwart hacking in Conduit 2 and will continue to work hard on solving any problems that may arise.

The multiplayer options have also been expanded to incorporate offline split-screen play, a greater array of weapons/suits, modes and communication/chat tools.

Box art for Conduit 2

High Voltage




First Person Shooter



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Fix the framerate issues so the game doesn't make me want to puke after 20 minutes of play.

Online play seems problematic on the wii. In Grand slam tennis if I play people from Japan there is a bug where you cant return their serve ever. So you have no chance of winning.

The wii2 needs buil in storage that can cope with patches. This generation has been severely hurt by nintendos cost cutting choices.

I agree Meeto, thankfully the 3DS looks to have the ability, so any new console should follow suit.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

meeto_0 said:
In Grand slam tennis if I play people from Japan there is a bug where you cant return their serve ever. So you have no chance of winning.

Awesome, I'm moving to Japan, anyone want a game of Grand Slam Tennis, with a generous wager on it? Japanese need not apply

( Edited 08.10.2010 18:24 by Scorp )

ebgeer (guest) 08.10.2010#5

This is a welcome addition--there are very few Wii games that take advantage of any sort of online patch.

If the game use's a server then really it should be designed for all "cheat critical" code to be run server side.
"Patching out" cheating client side is impossible. You can make it harder, but worst case someone can just completely emulate your game protocol and fake whatever they want. They dont even have to run your code at all.

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Any word on which Conduit 1 level is going to be in Conduit 2? I think I voted for Pentagon, but I sort of hope it's Streets. That was one of my favorites, but alas, also one of the easiest to cheat on :/

( Edited 08.10.2010 22:17 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

I thought The Conduit was pretty good (For a Wii FPS). If they can correct their mistakes in this, I will be happy. Smilie

i just like the last tidbit...greater array of ..."communication/chat tools".

please, make the wii speak actually worth having!!!

i just like the last tidbit...greater array of ..."communication/chat tools".

please, make the wii speak actually worth having!!!

It comes with a headset.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
i just like the last tidbit...greater array of ..."communication/chat tools".

please, make the wii speak actually worth having!!!

It comes with a headset.

Wow, seriously? Smilie

Mapleleaf51 (guest) 10.10.2010#12

Canyarion said:
Fix the framerate issues so the game doesn't make me want to puke after 20 minutes of play.

I agree but i'm afraid a new console would be needed for that. As meeto_0 said "This generation has been severely hurt by nintendos cost cutting choices."

My itchy balls (guest) 10.10.2010#13

I hate going online in the game, if I go on any campaign I get royally pwned in 5sec. Headshot biatch and all that jazz. People teleport and appear in your face!

and they need to fix spawn points, they are too close together!!

Mush123 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
i just like the last tidbit...greater array of ..."communication/chat tools".

please, make the wii speak actually worth having!!!

It comes with a headset.

Wow, seriously? Smilie

Yeah, the Headbanger headset. Looks sweet, but will probably suck, because it's USB, and corded. Not really sure how great running a cord from my face to the back of my Wii will be...

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

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