Kid Icarus Not Relying on 3D

By Adam Riley 04.10.2010 5

Kid Icarus Not Relying on 3D on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Director of Kid Icarus: Uprising on Nintendo 3DS has confirmed the game will not rely on 3D features throughout. Whilst being shown off as one of the first titles for the Nintendo 3DS, Masahiro Sakurai has gone on record to state that even though the game will obviously make use of 3D functionality, he has received enough feedback from people who are not particularly fond of 3D to convince him to avoid forcing gamers to work through 3D-only sections of the action adventure.

I've been hearing a variety of opinions, but they're more favourable than expected. However, I do feel the height of the threshold for the third-person shooter genre, so I believe we'll have to come up with some ideas for this. There were many opinions that aiming is difficult. We're thinking of adding an assist feature for the final version. Also there have been some opinions that it's difficult to move and aim at the same time. There are people who don't like 3D, so we wont be putting in any devices that can only be cleared in 3D.

[ As for other 3DS games that impress me, there is ] Resident Evil Revelations. Also, Super Monkey Ball maintains 60 frames per second, so it's extremely smooth.

Do you agree with Sakurai-san's decision to avoid forcing gamers to play through certain sections in 3D only?

Box art for Kid Icarus: Uprising








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I am not sure what to think about this. If they might cut out the 3D in some areas then why not just make it for the DS, and skip the whole 3D game. It would seem a but silly to make a game and not have some sections in 3D, but at the same time, players can have a break from the 3D and just enjoy DS graphics instead maybe?

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Super Sonic said:
I am not sure what to think about this. If they might cut out the 3D in some areas then why not just make it for the DS, and skip the whole 3D game. It would seem a but silly to make a game and not have some sections in 3D, but at the same time, players can have a break from the 3D and just enjoy DS graphics instead maybe?

That's not what he was saying. The whole game will be in 3D, but there won't be sections that are only possible to complete in 3D (3D puzzles, bosses, etc.).

People always have the option of turning off the 3D effect (by using the 3D slider on the side of the screen) so it wouldn't make sense to make certain portions of the game in 2D. However, it is an interesting point as to whether some games will actually require you to play in 3D to beat them or certain parts of them.

"There are people who don't like 3D, so we wont be putting in any devices that can only be cleared in 3D."

( Edited 03.10.2010 22:46 by Sonic_13 )

Definitely makes sense, but I do question why would ANY game force/require you to beat a section of it in 3D only? Either I'm miss reading something, or that just sounds like a dumb idea.

Excellent decision. I really hope all 3DS games will give us the option. If there's going to be games where it requires you to have the 3D effect on to complete certain sections, then they need to rethink. I hope they realise some people won't even be able to see the 3D.

Why would they make it for the DS? It has poor visuals and they would have to make the game totally different, due to the systems limitations.

3D is the last reason I would get a 3DS.

( Edited 04.10.2010 07:44 by Marzy )

Good stuff - it's tricky to get the balance right with 3D. It's weird as all these developers are going on about how 3D will be used to improve gameplay but with it turned off it seems more of a visual enhancement.

But good to know that you could play the entire game without being forced to use 3D. Definitely helpful for getting used to the effect, to gradually ease yourself in - even after taking short breaks from it.

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