Capcom Focused on Okamiden DS, Not iPad Port

By Adam Riley 04.10.2010 2

Capcom Focused on Okamiden DS, Not iPad Port on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Motohide Eshiro, who played a significant role in the creation of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth last year, also worked as Producer on the latest DS release in Japan, Okamiden, the sequel to the PlayStation 2 and Wii original, Okami. Over on Capcom's official website there is an interview with the man himself where he talks about various aspects of the project and reconfirms it is set for a US and European release in 2011, and how he has been working closely with the localisation team to ensure every aspect is translated accurately to maintain a high level of authenticity to the original source material.

As for whether Okamiden will appear on other formats, Eshiro-san confirms that whilst fans have been asking for an iPhone or iPad edition, that is not what Capcom is currently focusing on, with the company instead targetting the successful release of this DS title:

Is there anything fans want you to do with the game?

Eshiro-san: Yes. For instance, a lot of fans have indicated they would like to see an iPhone or iPad port of Okamiden, which would allow players to draw directly on the touchscreen like the Nintendo DS. While we are happy to see fans tell us what they'd like to have done with the game, we can't really consider these options until after the release of Nintendo DS version.

Do you think Capcom should give in to demand and release the game on other touch-screen systems?

Box art for Okamiden





Action Adventure



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Great to see that they are trying to keep the translations authentic to the original material. I really can't wait.

About the iPad or iPhone ports, how should that even work? Okamiden is a complex adventure game. How can you possibly play that WITHOUT buttons or a d-pad? The whole game isn't all about drawing on the touchscreen, so I really don't get what those people were thinking.

SirLink said:

About the iPad or iPhone ports, how should that even work? Okamiden is a complex adventure game. How can you possibly play that WITHOUT buttons or a d-pad? The whole game isn't all about drawing on the touchscreen, so I really don't get what those people were thinking.

Agreed. Smilie

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