Date Girls in 3D on Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 04.10.2010 12

Date Girls in 3D on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami has confirmed a third LovePlus game is on the way, this time for the Nintendo 3DS platform, currently going under the name of Project LovePlus. The Producer of the series, Akari Uchida, hinted that something new was on the way for 3DS back at the Tokyo Games Show, and now the third entry has been unveiled. The dating simulation, which became famous in the West after news of a man marrying his in-game date, will make the most of the 3DS' features, such as the actual 3D functionality, as well as the touch-screen, microphone, gyroscope sensors, the cameras and even the online networking StreetPass Tag mode (for spreading rumours amongst potential in-game girlfriends). The girls available will start to recognise the player's face and react accordingly, and the sim can be played with the 3DS held either vertically or horizontally.

Mino Taro, the character designer, stated that everything is being started from scratch to ensure the visuals are better than ever and owners will be able to pick up on subtle changes in the mood of their prospective virtual girlfriends thanks to increased facial animations. The trailer below shows off Manaka Takane, one of the main girlfriends from the series, talking about the functions of the 3DS used for this new project, including the tilt controls included, how 3D photos can be taken, and she even gets embarrassed when you move your face too close to the 3DS to look at her, and even try to kiss her!

Project LovePlus is due to launch in Japan in Spring 2011, with no Western release confirmed, or likely...

Box art for New Love Plus








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There's better stuff to enjoy in 3d, silly japan.

Not that nintendo would allow it Smilie

I saw this a couple of days ago! The grphics look ok. Smilie

I can't help feeling a little sad for anyone who would get exited over the release of this. Smilie

I wonder how long it'll be before some Japanese man marries that game. Smilie

( Edited 03.10.2010 20:02 by Trepe )

"a man marrying his in-game date" ...what?

Does the 3D effect work when held vertically??

Our member of the week

It doesn't (was confirmed to IGN by the 3DS designer in an E3 interview).

it could have worked if Nintendo had chosen screens that allowed it, but they didn't because the price for the machine would have gone too high.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Only in Japan... :/

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can't see this getting Westernised myself. Only the perverted minds at Nintendo Japan would think up a game like this. I wonder how the restricted country called the US would feel about this.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Super Sonic said:
I can't see this getting Westernised myself. Only the perverted minds at Nintendo Japan would think up a game like this. I wonder how the restricted country called the US would feel about this.

This one's made and published by Konami.

Definitely a weird type of game, but some people like them, I guess men who play it will go one of two ways, get more confident with real girls because they know what to say, or get totally obsessed and end up marrying the games character.

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Lmao, sounds like this makes good use of the 3DS's features. Isn't the sort of game I would go out and buy though. I would play it for a laugh, but that's about all.

SirLink said:
"a man marrying his in-game date" ...what?

Search it up on Google. We all had a few laughs about this when the news first aired.

So, they're making a galge for the 3DS, eh? One that will accept even the most pug ugly of NEET? XD

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Rouge Vouge (guest) 05.10.2010#11

Will they're boobies pop out of the screen? Brings a whole new meaning to touch generations LOL

/b/ (guest) 08.10.2010#12

You know there is yet to be any mass release of these dating sim games released to the U.S. I really doubt that any game like this has been attempted to be released in the U.S. You never know if it will be successful.

And looking at the people where I live there are a lot of lonely guys who would kill for this game.

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