3DS Games Close to DS Pricing

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.10.2010 7

3DS Games Close to DS Pricing on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently talked 3DS software prices whilst briefing investors after confirming plans this week.

The company announced the 3DS release date earlier this week, and whilst touching on the launch games, didn't outline software pricing. Those use d to DS games falling around the �£29.99 mark will be happy to know that 3DS software won't be too far off.

We don't believe that the world is in a state where high priced software will sell well, so we don't believe it will be in a price range too far off from current DS software.

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To hear that is very relieving...both for me and my wallet.

Very awesome news. Bravo Ninty as usual.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Hmm, sounds like a good possibility that launch games will be �£35.

As for high priced software not selling, what about all the guitar hero style games flying off shelves despite costing �£70 or something ridiculous just to get the bare minimum to play?

Cheesing it up said:
As for high priced software not selling, what about all the guitar hero style games flying off shelves despite costing ��£70 or something ridiculous just to get the bare minimum to play?

But there's a difference between paying $100 for just a game and $100 for a game, guitars, and drumset.

Cheesing it up said:
Hmm, sounds like a good possibility that launch games will be �£35.

As for high priced software not selling, what about all the guitar hero style games flying off shelves despite costing �£70 or something ridiculous just to get the bare minimum to play?

The bare minimum would be playing with a controller, not a plastic guitar, in which case the game would cost normal price.

Good to know 3D games won't multiply the price tag Smilie

( Edited 04.10.2010 13:52 by Lynk )

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Glad to hear that, I'm not exactly made of money xD

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Cheap games rule! MH 3DS please!!

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