New Puzzle Bobble 3DS Screens/Info

By Adam Riley 03.10.2010 4

New Puzzle Bobble 3DS Screens/Info on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Publisher Square Enix has confirmed that Puzzle Bobble is going to be heading to Nintendo's 3DS in 2011, launching in the Spring of next year. In this latest version of the puzzle classic, players must line up three or more of the same coloured bubble in order to make them disappear. This time round, though, developer Taito is set to include some special treats to take advantage of the new hardware, such as 'Gimmick Bubbles' that use the newly added 3D depth feature. Additionally, one particular type of stage will cause characters trapped in bubbles to fall through space to a planet 'in' the screen when their bubble has been burst.

Check out the first screens and art from Puzzle Bobble 3DS in the media folder below.

Box art for Puzzle Bobble Universe



Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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I remember when I was a kid and only had a rented PS1 with this and a few other games. Too bad that there are so many other better games for the 3DS or I would get it just for the nostalgia. Pretty funny actually, it seems that almost every franchise is appearing on the 3DS.

It's a shame they went in with Puzzle Bobble, and not a 3DS version of Bubble Bobble instead. If sales weren't great for the recent games on Wii and XBLA, I doubt a 3DS version would follow suit if it uses the hardware to offer something new.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Can't have a game system without a Puzzle/Bubble Bobble game being released at ome point.

Sweet! I didn't even know this was in development. I'm digging the way this looks. Looking forward to it.

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