3DS "Delay" due to Production Concerns, More Content

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2010 14

3DS "Delay" due to Production Concerns, More Content on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With analysts previously expecting the 3DS launch in 2010, Nintendo have explained why the system has been "delayed".

Whilst Nintendo hadn't outlined a specific month or day previously, a fair few have considered the confirmed February 2011 launch in Japan a "delay". According to Gamasutra, company president Satoru Iwata had told analysts that the system was originally penned for a 2011 launch in Japan, but was held by several months to meet expected demand and also improve the launch line-up from third parties.

The report also reveals Nintendo's high expectations for the system - stating a rather cool 4 million units sold by the end of March 2011, translating to an expected 4 million units in a single month? It's uncertain whether Nintendo had meant by March 2012, but various soruces have stated otherwise.

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I want a 3DS. However, anybody who buys the fat launch model is pretty much an idiot. I bet there'll be an improved model before the end of 2011. Better screens, slimmer, etc. My advice to people would be to wait for inevitable improvements before buying.

Martin_ said:
I want a 3DS. However, anybody who buys the fat launch model is pretty much an idiot. I bet there'll be an improved model before the end of 2011. Better screens, slimmer, etc. My advice to people would be to wait for inevitable improvements before buying.

Don't be ridiculous. Buying a launch model doesn't make someone an idiot.
There won't be an new model only 6-9 months after launch. It's way too soon, especially if it sells as hotly as anticipated. Plus, they won't release a revised model before the first holiday shopping season after release.
There's no reason to wait as a revision is only going to have minor improvements, won't be cheaper (at least not significantly), and won't have any significant new features.

Notice the two year gaps (launch dates are for Japan).
DS (Dec 2004) --> DSLite (Mar 2006) --> DSi (Nov 2008)

( Edited 30.09.2010 07:02 by Sonic_13 )

I'll buy the laungh model anyways. I don't care about any revised version for now.

Martin_ said:
I want a 3DS. However, anybody who buys the fat launch model is pretty much an idiot. I bet there'll be an improved model before the end of 2011. Better screens, slimmer, etc. My advice to people would be to wait for inevitable improvements before buying.

I'd say that anybody who really wants a 3DS to play all those awesome games but waits 1-2 years just to get a slightly improved model is the real idiot here.

( Edited 30.09.2010 08:14 by SirLink )

I'll probably wait for the next model anyway. The way I see it, the longer you wait the more choice of games you'll have to buy and you will have a nicer looking model, with better screens, better battery life etc.

The only games I'm really interested in is Lylat Wars, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario. I already have the first two and I can wait for Paper Mario.

In fact there's nothing actually new/original, that's been announced for the 3DS. It's just more of the same, so far.

"was originally penned for a 2011 launch in Japan"

You mean 2010 right?

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Lol I bought the phat ds, or the original ds and I don't regret that some months later they released the ds lite, I got it too.

I knew 3ds was coming out this year, but production problems made it Nintendo moved it to next year, wow, February is not a date for nintendo, it is always NOV or DEC.

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

What if you don't care how a system looks :?
I mean, the DSl, DSi and 3DS all basically look the same anyway.
Even if you do care for looks, later doesn't mean better.

Ditto for "better screens". Bigger doesn't mean better, and you can be sure that the resolution wont change.

Battery life is the only thing I see to be significantly improvable over the next 2 years.

( Edited 30.09.2010 12:40 by Darkflame )

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No one said anything about bigger screens (although I'd like bigger screens as well). The actual 3D screen technology may improve, so that you have a better viewing angle for the 3D. it's still new technology and I'm very critical of 3D all together and also find it very gimmicky.

No one is an idiot here though. If people want to get a launch model, they're free to do so. Just like I'm allowed to wait it out till the next model

There isn't that much incentive for me to pay probably around �£200 for a 3DS, at the moment.

Martin_ said:
I want a 3DS. However, anybody who buys the fat launch model is pretty much an idiot. I bet there'll be an improved model before the end of 2011. Better screens, slimmer, etc. My advice to people would be to wait for inevitable improvements before buying.

I don't agree with what you are saying. if someone is waiting very eagerly for this console then they have every right to get one on release day. Calling people who would get one on launch is a bit harsh. I bet you will buy one when it first hits the shelves because you wont be able to wait for a so called "improved" model.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I'm sure any of the C3 staff who have tried the 3DS can vouch that it is a lot sleeker and nicer looking in the flesh than the product shots. The original DS clunky is a hideous beast by comparison.

There's no denying that Nintendo will release revised "lite" models in the future, it's inevitable, but this starter version is still very nice. It seems slightly larger than the DSi, but still portable and smooth enough to sit in your hands comfortably.

Will definitely consider picking one up at launch (if Nintendo don't send us one, they should do though!)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's like Jb says, it's alot sleeker than the photo's suggest, infact, it's almost exactly the same size as a DS lite, so the only way they could really release a different version is really if they find a way to make multi-angle screen technology, but even then the viewing angle is wider than some would have you believe.

Also, some things I've seen analysts say (this occurs especially on IGN) about the delay are stupid, because really the wait will only get more people hyped about it, and it leaves more time for advertising.

It seems a lot of people were expecting Nintendo to do a Sega Saturn.

I will probably wait till my birthday to get one though, I don't think I'll have time, nor money for one at launch.

( Edited 30.09.2010 19:35 by Stulaw )

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If it's really just the same size as the DS Lite then there really shouldn't be anything to complain about regarding size or whatever. Imo, the DS Lite size is just perfect and very comfortable. The original DS "Phat" wasn't slim at all and really needed an improved model but the 3DS doesn't.

Marzy said:
I'll probably wait for the next model anyway. The way I see it, the longer you wait the more choice of games you'll have to buy and you will have a nicer looking model, with better screens, better battery life etc.

The only games I'm really interested in is Lylat Wars, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario. I already have the first two and I can wait for Paper Mario.

In fact there's nothing actually new/original, that's been announced for the 3DS. It's just more of the same, so far.

Nothing new has been announced? Are you serious? You think every game announced so far is a remake? Because you're dead wrong.

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