Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Debut Trailer

By 29.09.2010 12

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Debut Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More 3DS news incoming, with Capcom revealing more on their Street Fighter title for the 3DS. The game has now got a new name, Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition and Capcom have also released the debut trailer over on their Unity Blog.

The trailer shows the game in action, with gameplay mechanics that Street Fighter fans will be familiar with, along with two new features that utilizes the 3DS tag system.

Using the system out on the go, players will be able to have fights without touching their 3DS, through a figurine battle feature. A feature that can be used without the game even inserted into the 3DS. Not only that, but if your near someone else playing the game, you can then give each other a quick fight.

Apart from that, Capcom revealed the new logo for the game and have asked fans top be patient and state they will be releasing further news on the game tomorrow.

Image for Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Debut Trailer

Be sure to stick to C3 for more updates on the game.

Box art for Super Street Fighter IV








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This looks like it could sell well, and the game play videos look stunning for a hand held console. I wonder if the Wi-Fi will be laggy or quite decent for a DS. The new modes with the figures looks great. Just having to stand or walk with a friend to do battle seem like a nice touch. Hope this will be a launch release.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Definitely a day one purchase. Heck, this will be my first Street Fighter purchase ever I believe. What took me so long? Smilie

It's looks awesome in 3D by all accounts.

Ono-san on Super 3DS

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Glenjamin said:
Definitely a day one purchase. Heck, this will be my first Street Fighter purchase ever I believe. What took me so long? Smilie

I have no idea. It is one of the best fighting games. You have been missing out on some great fighting madness. There are a few games on XBLA and PSN.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Lol, this trailer is awesome. Too many great games being released for the 3DS, with many more being announced. It's a good thing, but I don't have THAT much money.

Yoshindo (guest) 29.09.2010#6

I love the trailer showing the people looking around, confused, when a new person challenges them. I also love the idea of the figurines because now I can suck at the game and lose while not even playing Smilie The game looks incredible and I am absolutely getting this. Is it just me, or is this system going to have the most awesome launch in console history?

Already have SSFIV on PS3 so don't know if I'll buy this but the sleep mode fights and portable Wi-Fi does make it interesting.

Another great job by Capcom. They are pumping Gold these days.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Brilliant, was one of my most anticipated 3DS releases ever since the game was announced. Shaping up very nicely. Expecting big things from Capcom and am sure they'll be able to pull it off. Been too long without a decent portable fighter!

Figures idea is an awesome one, and should hopefully encourage people to use the tag functionality more often!

( Edited 30.09.2010 01:40 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Brilliant, was one of my most anticipated 3DS releases ever since the game was announced. Shaping up very nicely. Expecting big things from Capcom and am sure they'll be able to pull it off. Been too long without a decent portable fighter!

Figures idea is an awesome one, and should hopefully encourage people to use the tag functionality more often!

Now I'm just waiting for Capcom to give us a Monster Hunter game for the 3DS. They've announced games from some of their biggest series. Hopefully the Monster Hunter Tri sales were great enough to show Capcom that it has a strong enough Western fanbase.

( Edited 30.09.2010 07:48 by Mush123 )

This story could do with an update:


3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Another great job by Capcom. They are pumping Gold these days.

What do you expect. It is very rare for Capcom to produce bad games. I think this might even do better than the console release's. I think the added extras are better than the return of the classic barrels and smash the car mini game. having fights without actually playing the game when it is in sleep mode is awesome.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

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