New Zelda Ocarina of Time Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.09.2010 16

New Zelda Ocarina of Time Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fan favourite Zelda game Ocarina of Time is bound for the 3DS and Nintendo showed off new screens and footage at the Japan conference.

The 3D remake of the 1998 Nintendo 64 classic boasts improved visuals, support for the bottom touch screen and promises some other nifty enhancements specifically tailored for the new handheld. The new snaps detail the adorable Young Link as he embarks on his adventure to save Princess Zelda and his first steps in aiding his spiritual father, the Great Deku Tree.

We're also greeted with the first glimpse of the touch screen interface for housing your items and the ever-helpful dungeon map.

Image for New Zelda Ocarina of Time Screens

Image for New Zelda Ocarina of Time Screens

Image for New Zelda Ocarina of Time Screens

Image for New Zelda Ocarina of Time Screens
Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



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Looks like left-handed players will have a dulled down experience (if the touchscreen is used to do things on the fly). This is why they should release a system for left-handed players. I'm hoping you can still assign items to buttons. If not Nintendo have just gone and messed it up for leftys.

The visuals look very nice.

Well its pretty much the same, Links model seems like upgrade, he looks more solid and vibrant. Look at his tunic at the last screenshot and compare it to this one

Great things to come Smilie

( Edited 29.09.2010 09:58 by Irfy )

Marzy said:
Looks like left-handed players will have a dulled down experience (if the touchscreen is used to do things on the fly). This is why they should release a system for left-handed players. I'm hoping you can still assign items to buttons. If not Nintendo have just gone and messed it up for leftys.

I agree regarding releasing a left-handed system, but I wouldn't panic - the slingshot and deku stick have an 'X' and 'Y' next to them, which would strongly suggest they have been mapped to those buttons.

Egotism is the anesthetic given by a kindly nature to relieve the pain of being a damned fool. - Bellamy Brooks

Looks very nice so far, especially Links new model Smilie

Touch screen interface looks great as well. I can't wait Smilie(can't believe I'm saying this about a game I've played countless times already xD)

Marzy said:
Looks like left-handed players will have a dulled down experience (if the touchscreen is used to do things on the fly). This is why they should release a system for left-handed players. I'm hoping you can still assign items to buttons. If not Nintendo have just gone and messed it up for leftys.


Or just flip the touchscreen arrangement horizontally surely? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Jim (guest) 29.09.2010#6

The touch screen controles will most likely be crap anyway, i'm getting flashbacks to early DS games which tried to port normal controlled games over and put in clunky touch screen shit for no reason other than because it was there.

I'm guessing most will ignore the touch screen functionality. Which is a shame since the two DS games used touch controle so well.Smilie

Very nice improvement graphically.

@Marzy: I don't think so. Nintendo included a left handed mode in Metroid Prime Hunters and they could do the same here, just changing the buttons for the D-Pad and viceversa.

Have played Ocarina of Time way to many times to count but will be buying this again at launch.

Marzy said:
Looks like left-handed players will have a dulled down experience (if the touchscreen is used to do things on the fly). This is why they should release a system for left-handed players. I'm hoping you can still assign items to buttons. If not Nintendo have just gone and messed it up for leftys.

The visuals look very nice.

As a left handed gamer, I myself have played games that require touching the touch screen and using the D-Pad aswell, requiring no left-handed support. I found this easy to do, as I just keep the stylus in my left hand while using the D-Pad. When it comes to touching something, I quickly take my finger off of the D-Pad, do what I have to do on the touch screen and then go back to the first bit.

There are certain games that definitely need left-handed support for example, most FPSes - if not all - have left-handed support. Also, game that require you to use the touch screen and the D-Pad/Buttons at the same time. (Such as TWEWY, which has great support for lefties.)

But, like oroblram stated, it looks as if you can map items to X and Y and obviously B is to use your sword.

( Edited 29.09.2010 18:16 by Mush123 )

It looks like they've upped the Link models, but everything else seems to have just received a texture map upgrade. I wonder if these are early shots, and they're still working on improvements? Because right now it looks like they dropped a completely remodeled Link into a somewhat higher-res N64 game.

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Hylian Hero (guest) 30.09.2010#10


Jim (guest) 30.09.2010#11

EdEN said:
Very nice improvement graphically.

@Marzy: I don't think so. Nintendo included a left handed mode in Metroid Prime Hunters and they could do the same here, just changing the buttons for the D-Pad and viceversa.

Have played Ocarina of Time way to many times to count but will be buying this again at launch.

But this uses the analogue stick for movement..there is no second stick on the right side of the console for left handed people to use...and if you think we should settle for using the digital buttons over the, just no.

Hylian Hero (guest) 30.09.2010#12

O Nintendo, Why must Thou tourture all of Thy fans by releasing this Game in the Forthcoming Year!!!! I have never even touched the Original OOT, BECAUSe I was only 2 when it came upon us. How long Shall this EVIL PERSIST????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nintendo wanted to released this year at least for Nippon but there were some production problems for the 3ds so it will be ready for next year and along with some third party games.

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

But this uses the analogue stick for movement..there is no second stick on the right side of the console for left handed people to use...and if you think we should settle for using the digital buttons over the, just no.


I hated using buttons as a D-pad on Hunters. it was dreadful.

Anyway, it seems weapons can be assigned to buttons. Thanks for pointing it out, I never noticed.

HylianHero (guest) 03.10.2010#15

There was nothing wrong with the Original OOT's graphics. I was only 2 when it came out, so I really want to play, the Original, or the 3ds OOT, I am tired of PH, @ ST,too childish...

HylianHero (guest) 04.10.2010#16

Like I said before, I am gravely tir'd of playing CHILDISH VTDEO GAMES. Though PH, @ ST were graet sequels to WW, those are the only 2 that I have play'd.
Cannot wait for it to come out, or at least get to play another Legend of Zelda game.

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