Second Resident Evil Game for 3DS - Resident Evil Mercenaries

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.09.2010 12

Second Resident Evil Game for 3DS - Resident Evil Mercenaries on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has confirmed that popular Resident Evil mini-game Mercenaries will be made into a second RE game for Nintendo's 3DS.

Last night the publisher was hinting at two new games to be announced today - the first of which is Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3DS for the 3DS.

From the gorgeous debut screens, the game seems to blend popular missions from Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5. Capcom are promising new modes and the return of your favourite faces from the rather disturbed world of Biohazzard/Resident Evil. It'll also boast full worldwide online play and utilise Capcom's MT Framework for mobile devices.

Also available for the 3DS will be Resident Evil Revelations, announced at E3 earlier this year.

Image for Second Resident Evil Game for 3DS - Resident Evil Mercenaries

Image for Second Resident Evil Game for 3DS - Resident Evil Mercenaries

Image for Second Resident Evil Game for 3DS - Resident Evil Mercenaries

Image for Second Resident Evil Game for 3DS - Resident Evil Mercenaries

Image for Second Resident Evil Game for 3DS - Resident Evil Mercenaries
Box art for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D








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There it is, haha.

this seems more like a mini-game than a full-fledged release. The porting looks fantastic (hardly noticeable difference from the 360 version) and the online play sound interesting, but I'm hoping there's new stuff, too. New modes, new levels, new characters maybe, etc.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Lmao, that's one way, to say (the f-bomb) to sony, and Microsoft. Smilie

This is being released as a seperate game? I'll get it if it has more features, but I'm sticking with Revelations when it comes out.

That looks awesome.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Yeah definitely needs more features, levels, characters etc. I really enjoyed this mode on Resident Evil 4. Also There should be co-op and VS mode where multiple players can participate in the same level fighting for the most kill/points, should be a right laugh.

Haroon (guest) 29.09.2010#6

This doesn't excite me. I'd rather have a full new release announced for the PS3 /XBox 360. Nintendo is more of a kiddies console.

Those shadows don't look that good though Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Lighting may not be quite there yet but visually it certainly looks impressive, especially for a handheld. Great news, always good to have more Resident Evil - and proper Resi at that.

Haroon (guest) said:
This doesn't excite me. I'd rather have a full new release announced for the PS3 /XBox 360. Nintendo is more of a kiddies console.

3DS line-up for this moron, anyone?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Was never a fan of mercanaries mode. I hope Revelations goes back to being more horror based than action which is what ruined RE5 for me. Smilie

( Edited 29.09.2010 15:05 by Ifrit XXII )

Haroon (guest) said:
This doesn't excite me. I'd rather have a full new release announced for the PS3 /XBox 360. Nintendo is more of a kiddies console.

Doesn't it become a non-kiddies console if mature games are brought out for it? A console isn't age specific you plank.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.
Yoshindo (guest) 29.09.2010#11

Haroon (guest) said:
This doesn't excite me. I'd rather have a full new release announced for the PS3 /XBox 360. Nintendo is more of a kiddies console.

Lol at the poor attempt at trolling.

I think there is multiplayer because if you look at the fourth screen there is a HUNK character with a sniper rifle. I'm really looking forward to this.

"It'll also boast full worldwide online play"
Guess I is need to learn to read good.

I hardly touched the Mercenaries mode in the RE games, so I hope this has a hell of a lot more features to justify it being a stand alone game (or is really cheap).

I'm astonished at how much like the 360 & PS3 version it looks. The 3DS seems to be pretty powerful. I can't see why developers can't bring other console games to it in future. I'd love to see Portal 2 made for it!

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