3DS: Feb 26 in Japan, ¥25,000 - New Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.09.2010 28

3DS: Feb 26 in Japan, ¥25,000 - New Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo held its much anticipated press conference in Japan, finally confirming a 3DS release date, price and some new details.

The gorgeous new handheld allows players to experience 3D games without the need for spectacles, boasts rich graphical/processing power, 3D cameras and other nifty on-board functionality. Many have speculated and posted claims of the launch details, but it's now official:

Nintendo 3DS will arrive in Japan February 26th 2011 for ¥25,000 (�£190, €220, $300).

Release Details

  • Japan release: February 26th 2011
  • Available in 2 launch colours: Aqua Blue and Cosmos Black
  • 3DS Price: ¥25,000 (�£190, €220, $300)
  • Includes 2GB SD card bundled with the system.
  • Launching in North America and Europe in March 2011 (details coming soon)
  • What's in the box

  • Nintendo 3DS console + charging stand + stylus
  • Plugs and cables
  • 2GB SD memory card
  • Six agumented reality cards to use with the camera
  • Documentation, leaflets, warranty etc.
  • 3DS Features

    GameBoy games in 3D
  • 3D Virtual Console mode, where classic Gameboy and Gameboy Advance games are done up in 3D.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and Super Mario Land will be two of the first games available as downloadable 3D games.
  • Camera creating Mii
  • 3DS will have its own set of Mii, which can be made automatically using the camera.
  • Miis can be converted into a QR Code so people can scan these with their 3DS and download your Mii.
  • 3DS has some image manipulation - including the ability to merge two faces in to one.
  • Transferable software
  • Ability to move DSiWare from existing DSi/XL consoles onto the 3DS, and move 3DS software from an old to a newer console (translation via Joystiq)
  • System functions
  • Pause games and use the internet browser (look up an FAQ, check your emails), and return.
  • As announced previously, 3DS Tag mode is back and lets players exchange data even when not playing the specific game.
  • Unique 3D content
  • Partnering with Fuji TV to distribute free 3D videos on a daily basis.
  • Nintendo will introduce a series of augmented-reality games to take advantage of the 3DS hardware.

  • For a current list of upcoming software and a video reel of 3DS games including Zelda, Resident Evil, Paper Mario, Kid Icarus and Street Fighter IV, click here

    Watch this space for more details as they hit!

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    Totally bummed by the release date, but it will do good for me financially. Excited by the new features! CAN'T WAIT TILL SPRING!!!

    GB and GBA games done up in 3D? Wtf? EPIC!
    I'm glad it's not releasing till next year in a way, as it leaves me time to get a hold of the money. Smilie

    I will pay 250 plis ;p

    Resident evil Mercenaries coming to 3ds
    Megaman legends 3

    ( Edited 29.09.2010 07:40 by Parkrer )

    PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

    Parkrer said:
    I will pay 250 plis ;p

    Resident evil Mercenaries coming to 3ds
    Megaman legends 3

    It probably will be $250 and then like ��£220 here, seeing as we always get screwed over with prices. Not as much by Nintendo, though. But UK VAT is ridiculous.

    ( Edited 29.09.2010 07:44 by Mush123 )

    Also ships with 2GB SD card. Another feature is that you can take a picture of yourself, and the 3DS will automatically make a Wii based on it. The stylus has been revealed, the only visible change for the system is that the analog stick is a lighter color, and there's a light on the device that blinks when another 3DS is in range.

    They also mentioned something about a dock that will "make downloads go faster."

    This next part is pure speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ships with Ocarina of Time. It's no secret that whatever game a system ships with usually ends up being the best-selling game for that system (and in Nintendo's case, of all time) and Ocarina of Time sounds like a pretty epic title to rest at the top of that list. Anyway, if it is indeed $300 (I've read a few places suggesting it'll be cheaper outside of Japan) I would hope it would come with a game. I'm still pretty bummed about that. Nintendo's handhelds have always dominated, but not for the price of current-gen consoles, that I know of :/

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    Cheers justonesp00lturn, just updated the article. The camera to Mii conversion sounds awesome, definitely want to see how that works.

    Loving the announced 3DS features! Price is a little bit too high imo, but tech wise it does seem very well thought out and can potentially top the DS already.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Nintendo's stock just dropped almost 4%.

    The 3DS will feature "multitasking," which I guess means you can be playing a game, press home and the game pauses, do whatever you were going to on the home screen (probably PictoChat, camera etc.) and then switch back to the game, seamlessly.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    jb said:
    Cheers justonesp00lturn, just updated the article. The camera to Mii conversion sounds awesome, definitely want to see how that works.

    Loving the announced 3DS features! Price is a little bit too high imo, but tech wise it does seem very well thought out and can potentially top the DS already.

    Camera to Mii? Really? That's epic.
    I myself have no problem with �£190, but I'm betting the price will be raised. Ah well, who gives a crap? It's a 3DS, I'd sell my soul for one of these.

    O wow, that's awesome. Nintendo, did an awesome job listening to their fans. especially with the virtual console. I wonder tho... how will we be able to do, multi-player modes, like pokemon needing to be traded to evolve, if they plan to make pokemon available in it?

    I've seen several times now that the most likely US price will falla round $230, based on past systems and their price in Japan vs. America. No idea what that translates to you guys in Europe, though :/

    Also, no idea how to submit news, so I thought I'd post this here:
    Capcom released screens from Mercenaries 3D. These are levels and characters ported from RE4 and RE5. The RE5 shots look amazing, beautifully ported. The 3DS is capable of playing Xbox 360-sized games, it seems. There is a slight graphical difference, but I can't tell if it's that the graphics are a bit worse, or if that's just an effect of viewing 3D screenshots on a 2D screen.

    One shot is particularly interesting; it shows Jill in the Castle from RE4. Hm.
    This seems like more of a mini-game, but I think it's a good demonstration of how powerful the 3DS is in-game.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    Some multi-tasking features mentioned:

    You can stop mid-game and pull up "memory notebook" and see "steps taken" (built in pedometer, maybe?)

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    I would love to see something similar to Pictochat w/ video and mic chat over Wi-Fi. Smilie
    Some of the new features are amazing. Will you be able to transfer your 3DS-created Miis to your Wii?

    Mush123 said:
    I would love to see something similar to Pictochat w/ video and mic chat over Wi-Fi. Smilie
    Some of the new features are amazing. Will you be able to transfer your 3DS-created Miis to your Wii?

    You can transfer them to the Internet, so I don't see why not. If the Mii system / features / actual art has changed, though, it isn't as likely.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    Freakin' awesome. Now I can get some games for Xmas without worrying about money. Never expected so awesome features either and this isn't even everything yet. I can't wait to see the official specs too.

    Nintendo really means business with the 3DS.

    My only disappointments? the consoles still looks pretty much the same, apart from the analogue stick. They also didn't tell us anything about the online, so I presume it will be awful again and they won't have improved it.

    It's the games that excite me though.

    Can't wait to see the augmented reality games, I hope they also use headtracking too.

    Pause games and use the internet browser (look up an FAQ, check your emails), and return.

    So, multitasking then? Neat.

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    3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

    Excitement Level: Maximum!

    I had a feeling they would do a gameboy virtual console... but I did not see them doing them in 3D. Crazy!!!!

    "Do a Barrel Roll!"

    YES!!! We all must suffer a long wait. No happy Christmas for anyone!! Mwuha ha ha ha ha! Smilie

    If it's approximately �£190 from the Japanese pricing, I guess we probably will have to pay about �£220 for it.

    Not that I'll hesitate to buy one on launch, but holy shit. :/

    ( Edited 29.09.2010 15:39 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    justonesp00lturn said:
    Mush123 said:
    I would love to see something similar to Pictochat w/ video and mic chat over Wi-Fi. Smilie
    Some of the new features are amazing. Will you be able to transfer your 3DS-created Miis to your Wii?

    You can transfer them to the Internet, so I don't see why not. If the Mii system / features / actual art has changed, though, it isn't as likely.

    Unless they release an update for the Mii Channel, which would probably make it more likely.

    Marzy said:
    My only disappointments? the consoles still looks pretty much the same, apart from the analogue stick. They also didn't tell us anything about the online, so I presume it will be awful again and they won't have improved it.

    It's the games that excite me though.

    They've said tons about online. Such as it'll feature always-on Wifi. The frequency of downloading and the focus on it make me think they've probably made some massive improvements to their networks.

    And if you want news on Wifi for the Wii, go look at what they've allowed for Conduit 2. No friend codes requied, you add people to your friends list straight from the lobby, microphone communication is completely open and no longer limited to people on your friends list, it'll feature downloadable patches, and they're even trying to get a demo available for download (though that's less likely.) They're definitely stepping things up.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    justonesp00lturn said:
    Marzy said:
    My only disappointments? the consoles still looks pretty much the same, apart from the analogue stick. They also didn't tell us anything about the online, so I presume it will be awful again and they won't have improved it.

    It's the games that excite me though.

    They've said tons about online. Such as it'll feature always-on Wifi. The frequency of downloading and the focus on it make me think they've probably made some massive improvements to their networks.

    And if you want news on Wifi for the Wii, go look at what they've allowed for Conduit 2. No friend codes requied, you add people to your friends list straight from the lobby, microphone communication is completely open and no longer limited to people on your friends list, it'll feature downloadable patches, and they're even trying to get a demo available for download (though that's less likely.) They're definitely stepping things up.

    'Bout time Nintendo took a page out of the other companies' books. They're a great company, but they need to stop living so far behind everyone else.

    Hopefully the 3DS will show that Nintendo isn't just for kiddies and grandparents. Hopefully they'll get the chance to see what it's like being compared to the "Big Boys".

    So Nintendo released a little video showing a few features. One shot shows the 3DS home screen. Can't confirm, but in the bottom right of the home screen, there's a space to scroll over to other apps, and I'm almost positive I'm seeing a fourth of a musical note. 3DS will likely have an MP3 player built-in, I think.
    Here's the video at IGN:


    There's also a good video of the picture-to-Mii app, and I'm pretty sure the dock we've been seeing is indeed an induction charger.

    Don't want to jump the gun, but I think Nintendo really hit it out of the park, again.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    I know that the 3DS looks amazing, but �£220 is too much for me to justify spending on a handheld, especially at launch when there's barely any games.

    I think I'll give it a year or so at least.

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