3DS Launching with Zelda, Mario Kart Next Year?

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.09.2010 13

3DS Launching with Zelda, Mario Kart Next Year? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A German newspaper has suggested that Nintendo's new 3DS console would be launching in 2011 in Europe with Mario Kart and Zelda.

The 26 September edition of German Newspaper BILD (via NeoGAF), reports that the 3DS will be hitting Europe during Q1 2011, complete with new Mario Kart, Professor Layton games and the 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

The suggested pricepoint mentioned was €200 (£169.99, $270).

The article metions a November 11th 2010 Launch in Japan. The dates/pricing/line-up is unconfirmed, so consider this as a rumour for now.

What do you think of the supposed line-up and pricepoint? Nintendo are to make launch plans official on the 29th September, so watch this space!

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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Hmmm... interesting. But from what I've read, I don't believe that those two titles will launch along the 3DS. The impressions from the critics who saw the two titles all agreed that there was still much work to be done. However, Nintendo could have just been holding back. You never know...

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Nintendo are making plans the day my student loans come in....Coincidence? I think NOT!

Hmm, it's tricky to know whether Nintendo would launch with either MK or Zelda. Can see Mario Kart being part of the line-up more than Zelda, but both games definitely by the end of 2011 imo.

Star Fox 64 3DS would be a wicked addition to the launch period if they can include it.

Either way can't wait. Loved my initial hands-on with the console, and the huge number of projects on the way for it bring a lot of promise. Though I only had an hour or so with the console, I wonder what it is like using the 3D for 3/4 hours at a time - hmm.

As for pricing willing to slash out up to about �£160/�£180 for it. Hoping it doesn't slip into the �£200+ mark :/

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I just hope I get the money in time.. Smilie

jb said:
As for pricing willing to slash out up to about ��£160/��£180 for it. Hoping it doesn't slip into the ��£200+ mark :/

It's Nintendo, it will be affordable.

( Edited 27.09.2010 02:08 by Mush123 )

Honestly, I'd pay up to $300 for it, even though it is a handheld. I just can't wait until I get to try it for the first time. I think I have the same level of expectation that I had for the Wii. I'm super excited to say the least.

I don't really see Nintendo charging that much for a game system. Maybe for a console, but a handheld? I just don't know. Even the Xbox doesn't cost that much.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

I'm sick of the rumors... This Wednesday will not come soon enough...

Looks like I'll have to wait till the summer so I can get a job to afford it.

Uni's gonna make me broke Smilie.

Anyway, that's pretty affordable, wouldn't be surprised if it was more, but I hope it's a bit cheaper.

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NNID: Stulaw

If that's the line up with the release date games, then I will be buying it on launch day if I have the money, if not then I will have to wait until my birthday. So I will just have to wait and see.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I think Nintendo are total geniuses for consistently missing European Christmas season.

Just kidding.

I think this rumour is false. If the EU release slips into 2011 whereas the rest of the world gets it in 2010, Nintendo are stupid.

Business sense, what is it

( Edited 27.09.2010 18:36 by SuperLink )

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March next year. Gotta be.

Not long to go now folks, shall be revealed tommorow (probably earling morning with Japan being ahead 'n'all!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
conditionals (guest) 16.10.2010#13

Whoops, missed it by THIS much.

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