NASCAR Racing onto Nintendo Wii?

By Adam Riley 26.09.2010 3

NASCAR Racing onto Nintendo Wii? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

If rumours are to be believed, an insider has confirmed that Activision has snatched the rights to NASCAR from under EA's nose and is making NASCAR 2011 for Wii, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 based on the license. The loose talk has also helped to unearth that there will be an in-depth career mode, with a forty-three grid, as well as a new damage model where roll overs, blow overs and more are faithfully recreated in the game. The pit crew and driver are set to be fully motion-captured for realistic effect, tyres can be worn down and their pressure and temperature will change racing performances, and tyres may even burst whilst racing, or brakes wear down considerably.

Image for NASCAR Racing onto Nintendo Wii?

If this does indeed turn out to be the real thing, the expected release date is thought to be two weeks before the Daytona 500 next year.

Do you put any stock in this latest rumour? Would you like to see Bizarre Creations move on from Blur to try its hand at NASCAR?

Box art for NASCAR 2011: The Game








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If you play this, the left button of your D-pad is guaranteed to break.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

This is great to see EA jumping back into this sport. NASCAR always made great games. I hope they allow Classic controller or Gamecube. Highly doubtful but I can image it being much easier and more enjoyable than such a tiny wii wheel.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

this is sooo coool!Smilie

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