Even More Sonic Colours Wii Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.09.2010 7

Even More Sonic Colours Wii Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA has released more footage of Sonic Colours for Wii in action, with Sonic once again zipping about and using his newly acquired powers!

The video, which seems to be the first of five, takes us through environments that have been shown before, but blends in some new cut-scenes and areas from Tropical Resort and Sweet Mountain. On that note TSSZNews reports that cut-scenes will be skipable, for those who don't get on well with good old fashioned cheese!

Box art for Sonic Colours
Also known as

Sonic Colors


Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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This looks like the first Wii Sonic game I will buy. But the problem with most Sonic games is that they don't have too much replayability except for beating the (fairly short) game again and again. There are not multiple ways to finish the game like in Metroid, and the main game usually doesn't take more than a few hours. I'll have to wait until the boxed copy goes on sale.

Something tells me that this game is like a Sonic Unleashed expansion with the idea of trying to compete with Super Mario Galaxy. (with the power up ideas)

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Something tells me that this game is like a Sonic Unleashed expansion with the idea of trying to compete with Super Mario Galaxy. (with the power up ideas)

It's not an expansion, it's a full new game. Just because it has similar gameplay doesn't make it an expansion.

And having powerups doesn't make it compete with a Mario game. Tons of games have powerups.
Like MegaMan.

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The drill-bit is the only real similarity I see with Galaxy2.

PMD said:
This looks like the first Wii Sonic game I will buy. But the problem with most Sonic games is that they don't have too much replayability except for beating the (fairly short) game again and again. There are not multiple ways to finish the game like in Metroid, and the main game usually doesn't take more than a few hours. I'll have to wait until the boxed copy goes on sale.

I'd say Sonic & The Secret rings has a lot more replayability then Metroid.
Metroid has some different difficulty settings.

Secret Rings has medels and scores and secrets to aim for per-level.(/levels and missions to unlock)

Not that Metroid isn't a suppiour game.
But in all honestly, Secret Rings was a fairly long game with quite a lot to do.

( Edited 25.09.2010 21:43 by Darkflame )

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Sonic Colours looks set to be my game of the year. The graphics are really really good and the story seems to be fun and not so serious (like the Orbot and Eggman scenes in Unleashed).

The only way they could build on this in future is to add Tails and Knuckles only without silly mechs and tresure hunting. Keep 'em similar to Sonic but with their own unique moves. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
Sonic Colours looks set to be my game of the year. The graphics are really really good and the story seems to be fun and not so serious (like the Orbot and Eggman scenes in Unleashed).

The only way they could build on this in future is to add Tails and Knuckles only without silly mechs and tresure hunting. Keep 'em similar to Sonic but with their own unique moves. Smilie

So what your saying is to have the old moves from Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Because all they had in that game were flight and spin dash. Because when Sonic 3 and Knuckles came out those were Tails and Knuckles' unique moves.

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Super Sonic said:
So what your saying is to have the old moves from Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Because all they had in that game were flight and spin dash. Because when Sonic 3 and Knuckles came out those were Tails and Knuckles' unique moves.

Yeah, Knuckles with his gliding/climbing and Tails with his flying. What was great about them is that they handled almost exactly the same as Sonic. The gliding and flying allowed them to get to places that Sonic couldn't. In a 3D Sonic, I'd want them to play like Sonic (maybe not as fast) but retain their gliding/climbing/flying abilities to add a twist to their gameplay. With Colours' mix of 3D and 2D, I think it would work really well. Plus it would add a lot of replay value to the game.

( Edited 26.09.2010 13:03 by Ifrit XXII )

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