Team17: Why Worms Won't Be On WiiWare

By Mike Mason 24.09.2010 7

Team17: Why Worms Won

Following the announcement that Worms: Battle Islands will be a Wii retail title upon its release in November, not a downloadable WiiWare game as originally planned, Cubed3 got in touch with Team17 to clarify the situation and discover why the decision was made to change the game's delivery format.

Last year, when it was first shown off in playable form to press, Worms: Battle Islands was a WiiWare title, but in the last couple of days it has been announced that these plans have changed, with the game to be released on disc for Wii via THQ's Partners program and as a Team17-published PlayStation Network download for PlayStation Portable. Cubed3 questioned the reasoning for this change in plans, especially considering that Team17 had recently made public their strategy of releasing games through digital distribution rather than on disc. Debbie Bestwick, Managing Director of Team17, had this to say to us:

"With regards to Worms™: Battle Islands for Wii, a title we announced some time back, it became increasingly clear that by switching the game from WiiWare to a boxed retail Wii title, we would be able to make the game available to as many Worms™ fans on the platform as possible. We are pleased that through the THQ Partners program, we will have a strong retail presence for Worms™: Battle Islands on Wii coming into the important holiday season. The game is packed with great features and we feel it will certainly make a great gift for families. Our strategic focus hasn’t changed, however, and Team17’s forward thinking focus remains on developing games for digital platforms and self-publishing." - Debbie Bestwick, Managing Director, Team17 Software Ltd.

Worms: Battle Islands is scheduled for a November release and will presumably be sold at a budget price point, given that the United States RRP is set at $19.99 according to the information released by THQ. Until then, you can read our thoughts on the game from last year, when we were able to squish and explode some worms first hand at a Nintendo event.

Will you be setting aside some money for a Worms fix come November?

Box art for Worms: Battle Islands

Team 17







C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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"With regards to Worms™: Battle Islands for Wii, a title we announced some time back, it became increasingly clear that by switching the game from WiiWare to a boxed retail Wii title, we would be able to make more money."


I'll wait for the PSP versions price to plummet.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

How about a worms game (2d still) with mario-galaxy style circular gravity?
That would be cool imho.

But seriously...whats different about this one again? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Don't mind it being a retail release - they might have felt it too much a risk to release a key name on WiiWare.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's about FREAKING TIME!!!! Seriously, they announced this a year ago, they said it was in Nintendo's hands to approve for Wiiware release in like May. I just hope they keep online multiplayer as an option. I am looking forward to this, especially for $20.

Currently Playing: Super Mario Galaxy, Wario Land: Shake It, A Boy and His Blob, Little King Story Pre-Ordered: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M

Yes, they wan't to make more money with a higher price tag, but they'll also be able to make more money with a better game.

WiiWare titles are limited to a severely small dataspace, whereas a normal game can fill up an entire disc or more. I don't look down on this move at all. I think a Worms WiiWare title would have been easily passed over. This will give them a chance to make a great game with a lot of fun, extra stuff attached to it. Let's hope they do.

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dunno if thats true. I'm much more likely to get a WiiWare game then a retail and I think many others are the same. $5-10 is more an "impulse buy" then $20.
Maybe the states is different though. (less people with Wii's online %)

( Edited 24.09.2010 21:50 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Mason (guest) 25.09.2010#7

From what I played, this would've likely been on the upper tier of WiiWare pricing I don't think it'll make a massive amount of difference. You can either be one of the most expensive titles on a downloadable service, or you can be one of the cheapest titles on the shop shelves near Christmas time. Probably a wise move.

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