Shantae: Risky's Revenge Coming to DSiWare This October

By 25.09.2010 3

Shantae: Risky

Shantae, a cult Game Boy Colour title, has been set to have a sequel for a number of years, although things have been sketchy about the game in the past, with it being scrapped on the Game Boy Advance. However, WayForward has announced a North American release date for the sequel. Shantae: Risky's Revenge will be hitting Nintendo's DSiWare service on 4th October, 2010.

WayForward has also released a fantastic piece artwork to promote the game release, showing the main protagonist from the game.

Image for Shantae: Risky

Update - Shantae shakes and shimmies back into the gaming scene this October in her first adventure since the cult classic Shantae was released for the Game Boy Colour in 2002. The all new sequel offers a powder keg of high octane, hair-whipping, hip shaking action, exclusively available on DSiWare. WayForward sets the animation bar higher than ever with thousands of frames of animation, huge multi-sprite bosses, and a quest so big it’s bursting at the seams.

Guide 'half-genie' Shantae through haunted wastes, burning deserts, enchanted forests, dripping caverns and deadly labyrinths. Discover magical attacks, brew zombie coffee, save golden babies, and master the art of belly-dancing to transform Shantae into more powerful creatures. Use all your powers to foil the nefarious lady pirate Risky Boots and save Sequin Land from certain doom. With its infectious characters, flirtatious humour and deliciously outlandish action, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge offers up all the hair-whipping, belly-dancing action players can handle.

Nintendo DSi owners have been waiting for an exclusive download game that pushes the action beyond what’s possible on the Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite, which is why we see Risky’s Revenge as helping define the system for so many players.
- WayForward Creative Director Matt Bozon.

Originally conceived as multiple cliffhanger episodes, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge now arrives in the form of a full release product. The game will be available for purchase on 4th October, 2010 exclusively through the Nintendo DSiWare service for 1200 Nintendo DSi Points.

Box art for Shantae: Risky's Revenge





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We still don't have a price but I'm guessing 500-800 points per episode so I'm set.

Ouch, 1,200 is expensive, but I suppose it'll be well worth it now that it's being sold as a complete product rather than three episodes.

It certainly beats the crap that's being sold under the "premium" tab on DSiWare currently.

...No confirmation of a EU release date, I'm assuming it'll arrive here on the 8th - the following Friday, but I fear I could be wrong. Nintendo's DL services have been truly dire...

Wayforward have opened an official website for the game:

( Edited 25.09.2010 08:49 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I've added the trailer and some character art now Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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