Rambi Returns To Donkey Kong Country Wii

By 23.09.2010 4

Rambi Returns To Donkey Kong Country Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Kremlins may not be in Donkey Kong Country anymore but one character certainly is - that’s right, Rambi the Rhino is back and better than ever. A new trailer for Donkey Kong Country Returns shows the animal buddy bursting out of a box and smashing spikes out of the way rather than just running on top of them.

The rhino's return was revealed in a recent IGN article, along with a summary of new levels that they played. Here are some interesting bits from the article:

- Grassy surfaces, including rocks covered in the grassy texture, can be climbed by holding B.

- Players can jump in and out of co-op, but not mid-level; only on the world map.

- The name of the silhouette level from the original trailer is Sunset Shores.

- Hidden treats can be discovered if you pay attention to the background...

- For instance, on Sunset Shore, rock formations are staggered back in the distance, and these formations converge to form a giant banana. If the player stops to notice this, they are rewarded with a heap of banana coins, which can be spent on extras outside of the level.

- The Stormy Shore level has players leap across platforms floating in the ocean while waves splash up and down.

- The Crazy Cart level has changed since the E3 build; you jump with the cart, rather than out of it. The cart will leap off its rails and skid along dirt paths before it finds its way back onto the track.

- Button Bash is a level filled with a huge network of barrels to blast out of, complete with buttons you have to shoot to change the level. The end of this level has you blasting into the mouth of a gigantic monkey totem off in the distance, but only if you can time it when his mouth is open.

- The Temple Topple stage hosts Rambi's return, and he's fairly indestructable. Rambi can take down walls and run through spikes, but fire will burn him. If you can jump through fire hoops with Rambi, your rewards include bonus bananas, KONG letters, puzzle pieces and 1-Up balloons.

- The overworld is a 3D island that players explore, and each segment on the island is a world with its own collection of levels.

The full article, with further details, can be read on IGN.

Are you happy to see Rambi return to Donkey Kong? Would you like to see more animal buddies in the game?

Box art for Donkey Kong Country Returns





2D Platformer



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This game keeps getting better with every preview! Now, if they brought back Expresso, Enguarde, Winky, and Squawks...

This looks good. Bring all the other animals!!!

J.U.N.O (guest) 23.09.2010#3

This loooks good. Bring back all the other animals!!!

Looking good!

- The Crazy Cart level has changed since the E3 build; you jump with the cart, rather than out of it. The cart will leap off its rails and skid along dirt paths before it finds its way back onto the track.

Well in the original DK Country, two types of cart level existed - one where DK would jump with the cart, one where he'd jump out of it. Maybe they are doing the same again here?

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