Ace Attorney Investigations 2 TGS Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.09.2010 2

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 TGS Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom revealed the first footage of upcoming Ace Attorney Investigations sequel in action at this year's TGS.

The second spin-off starring the city's best prosecutor Miles Edgeworth sees players track down witnesses, uncover clues and deal justice outside the courtroom. Edgeworth is greeted by familiar faces, friends and foes from the Ace Attorney universe, including his partner in anti-crime the almost-always-smiling Dick Gumshoe.

Box art for Ace Attorney Investigations 2
Also known as

Gyakuten Kenji 2









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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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This looks and sounds great, as always.

I'm still upset that it's not GS5 though. The first game felt like it missed something.

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Bruce (guest) 17.09.2010#2

I'm out of my mind excited! I loved the first entry, with the exception of the anti-climatic ending. But in Capcom we trust.

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