Super Mario Collection Wii Video, Details, Contest

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.09.2010 16

Super Mario Collection Wii Video, Details, Contest on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's the 25th birthday this year for Nintendo's beloved mascot. The first media, promotion and boxart for the game.

Image for Super Mario Collection Wii Video, Details, ContestAs previously announced, Nintendo will be releasing a special Wii edition of Super Mario Collection (All Stars for Western readers), letting fans and new players sample some of the plumber's greatest 2D adventures in the living room once again. A neat Mario history book and soundtrack CD are also bundled.

According to Andriasang, Nintendo of Japan are putting together a raffle for Club Nintendo members to win exclusive goodies - including 1000 Mario and Luigi tote bags, 3000 t-shirts and 5000 themed playing cards.

Creative cats can also put their drawing skills to good use by submitting Flipnote/Ugomemo creations in a Mario-themed contest. Selected work will be shown to all via the Nintendo Channel and Nintendo Home Page.

Image for Super Mario Collection Wii Video, Details, Contest

The site also hosts a first look at the Wii edition of Super Mario Collection, just as you remember it:

Packaged in a gorgeous deep red sleeve and with bonus book/cd, the game will reach Japanese stores on October 21st for 2500 Yen.

Box art for Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition





2D Platformer



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Rated $score out of 10  n/a

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

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For around 25 bucks, it's not bad. I've played the first 3 (4) games, but I might still pick this up for the artbook and soundtrack.

Even though I'm highly iritated they're not 'doing' anything to the games at all, it does look pretty cool. If I had a console out here in the US I'd probably consider it, which is really bad given how many times I have probably paid for those individual games.

Makes me wish I did have my Wii out here... Who am I kidding, I'll probably celebrate 25 years of Mario via an emulator.

I joke.

Not so much.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I guess it's not so lame if they're charging only 25 bucks for it... but it's kind of disappointing if you think about it. The 25th anniversary of one of the most-recognizable and highest-grossing gaming franchises of all time, and we a get a port with new packaging, a book, and some music on a nearly outdated format?

I can play these games on a Super Nintendo or my computer any time I want, and that feels way better than playing them on a Wii would. And I can certainly live without the fancy box.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

I have to get this.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I can appreciate not making a new game or even a full remake.
But re-releasing an existing collection is just INSANELY lazy. Especially when it could/should be a downloadable.

At least bring it upto date. Bundle Mario64/Sunshine with it.

Or do a "MarioDX" style thing where you take the existing game but add a bit more gameplay and extra's to them. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I can't help but feel it's almost insulting to Mario himself. Maybe they're holding out for a bigger celebration on his 30th anniversary?

They didn't even port the version which contained Super Mario World. This collection should have had that, the Mario Land games, and as many other Mario games as possible crammed onto one disc. Mario 64, Sunshine, maybe a couple of the karting games.

It's a real shame.

Well it was obvious that they weren't going to include any of the Mario games that are up on the Virtual Console already. Just the SNES updates to the first 4 games seeing as how none of them are on the VC.

Nintendo have shown a lot of times that they like money so this move does not surprise me at all.

I'll probably still buy it though. Smilie

I was born in 1985, as well.

I guess Nintendo could release this game in the Americas on December for $30-40. Individual games are $20 on the Virtual Console ($32 if we're to consider each one a SNES game what with the update graphics and sound) so an extra $10-20 for the Book, soundtrack and 50-70 coins for my Club Nintendo account seems about right.

( Edited 14.09.2010 16:28 by EdEN )

Just read all the details, and this is actually a really pathetic thing for Mario's 25th. It's just an emulated SNES ROM and a CD and a book. I still have the cart of this game. I wouldn't buy it in emulated form for �£20. Or even �£10.

Ooh, I want that soundtrack. If it stays about that cheap for the American release, I plan to pick it up.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
Ray6 (guest) 15.09.2010#12

But it's Mario, Martin, MARIO. I would sell my kidney for this bundle. Alas it appears to be Japan only for the moment.

The Legend of Zelda's 25 in February, hopefully they do something more substantial than this for that. Doubt it though. Although a soundtrack CD would be cool

Martin_ said:
I still have the cart of this game. I wouldn't buy it in emulated form for �£20. Or even �£10.

This. :/ Really disappointed this isn't a remake in NSMBWii style graphics.

I want it but add super mario RPG, not offense but I have Mario all stars ;p

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

Ray6 (guest) said:
But it's Mario, Martin, MARIO. I would sell my kidney for this bundle. Alas it appears to be Japan only for the moment.

�£6 on eBay. Get that, torrent the soundtrack. Done.

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