Capcom on MT Framework for Resident Evil 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2010 9

Capcom on MT Framework for Resident Evil 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Technology writer Zenji Nishikawa recently spoke to Capcom on their long-running MT Framework and adapting it for 3DS.

Capcom had previously confirmed that its debut 3DS project, Resident Evil Revelations would make use of the technology, but it's now known that a 3DS variety, "MT Framework Mobile" has been created specifically for the console.

Revelations was also forged for the 3DS, rather than being created for another console and quickly drafted across. Capcom also note how all footage show so far is rendered using 3DS hardware, and that it's "capable of this level of expressive power".

We're looking at HDR Rendering, Self Shadows, Normal Maps and neat visual tweaks like depth of field, colour and gamma correction. When running in 3D there'll be no antialiasing, however with 3D off 2x antialiasing

Andriasang has put together a series of before and after screenshots with the various effects in action.

Roll your mouse over for a look:

HDR Rendering Off and On (rollover)

Color Correction Off and On (rollover):

Self Shadows Off and On (rollover):

Normal Maps Off and On (rollover):

Depth of Field Off and On (rollover):

Motion Blur Off and On (rollover):

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that is awesome.

I'm very happy to see that so much work is being put into Capcom's 3DS title. They all look like day one purchases! I hope all the other developers are on the same page.

It always amazes me how Capcom can keep making such impressive game engines for every console (and portable) they develop for. They are truly one of Nintendo's best 3rd Party developers (even with all the backstabs and franchise whoring).

Simply awesome! Capcom rocks!

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Im excited by this, looks like developers are taking the 3ds seriously. I wanna see more MGS 3DS action.

All very lovely but that HDR could be a little more subtle, it ends up obscuring like 45% of the screen in darkness :/

Interesting comparison, allthough some make it look worse imho.
Colour Correction looks more like bloom, and HDR in that example is making it far too dark.

I think its specific usage rather then tech though in both cases.

Depth of field and motion blur look fantastic though. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Very interesting to see how much CAPCOM is going to support the 3DS. Porting their MT Framework engine to be used specifically with the 3DS really opens the door for a lot of 3DS ports from 360/PS3 releases (McV 3 comes to mind).

I can't wait to put my hands on it(that's whatshe said)

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