No More Heroes for Wii Successor

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2010 11

No More Heroes for Wii Successor on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with No More Heroes creator Suda 51 he discusses 3DS development and the future of the series.

Speaking to RevoGamers (translation via GoNintendo), he mentions how he has had some ideas with the new 3D console, but won't discuss these at this time to prevent other studios from borrowing them. He feels that the "item collecting" aspect can be highlighted better when using 3D.

Suda hopes to expand the No More Heroes series by expanding Grasshopper, and that a third game is "bound for a Wii successor". Because of this a new Nintendo home console is important for Suda and the team. On that note, he felt no-one would like shaking a Wii remote as part of the beam-katana mechanic, but after two games knows he was wrong.

Would you be up for a third No More Heroes game?

Box art for No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Grasshopper Manufacture


Rising Star





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I didn't really like the first NMH, is the second one any better?

I loved both, the second one, is more about the action, and the first, was a little bit, of everything. I will like to see a NMH, that lets you interact, with people on the streets, and be able to upgrade your stats, like in the first, and be able, to see it. Hell if it's on Nintendo's wii successor, they can add a lot more to it, then just a bigger area, add more things to do.

I would love to see an upgraded overworld as opposed to a system where it's thrown out entirely.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

PK Mongoose said:
I would love to see an upgraded overworld as opposed to a system where it's thrown out entirely.
This is the part I dislike about NMH2. Although I love that you can quickly travel to destinations, it would be nice to maybe.. let you travel there by yourself. On Travis' bike, of course. A choice is always good, hopefully number 3 will incorporate this.

If they're aiming at a Wii successor for NMH3, I'm guessing:

The Wii Successor is right around the corner
NMH3 is being put on the backburner.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
gogogogogogo (guest) 13.09.2010#6

no because Suda is a backstaper

Travis backstaper (guest) 13.09.2010#7

Can you write back to Suda and tell him he has lost a fan to his work as I wont be buying the 3rd NMH game. I don't care if he didn't have a hand in porting NMH1/2 to the other console because that is BS and the 3rd NMH game will be ported as well so now I know not to spend money on this franchise knowing that. The PS3 and 360 have to many hardcore exclusive that NMH didn't even need to be ported over to them at all. NMH was the Wii most hardcore game and now that its on the other platform means nothing now. How can he not have full control over his work for them not to port it? I lost faith in these so call 3rd party promises saying this is Wii only and then months later its on pS3/360. Now wonder some Nintendo fans don't buy into 3rd parties games because they know they'd get fucked over in the long run. Now you know why some people only buy Nintendos 1st parties games.:-x

This is great news. I've become a big fan of the games after beating them both. Can't wait to see how NMH3 turns out.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:
Can you write back to Suda and tell him he has lost a fan to his work as I wont be buying the 3rd NMH game.

Hmm... No. No, I cannot.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

I don't care if he didn't have a hand in porting NMH1/2 to the other console because that is BS

So you know it isn't his fault, but you're going to blame him anyway. Awesome.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

and the 3rd NMH game will be ported as well

What is your basis for this? NMH2 isn't coming to the other systems. Also, what country do you live in? Because unless you say "Japan," neither is No More Heroes 1.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

so now I know not to spend money on this franchise knowing that. The PS3 and 360 have to many hardcore exclusive that NMH didn't even need to be ported over to them at all.

Then it's a good thing it wasn't? You should read a little bit. NMH didn't come out for the other systems anywhere but in Japan, and there's no evidence that it'll ever come out for the Xbox anywhere else, though the PS3 may see one. But nobody owns a PS3, so what are you so upset about?

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

NMH was the Wii most hardcore game

lololololololol. Yeah right.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

and now that its on the other platform means nothing now.

It isn't on the other platforms.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

How can he not have full control over his work for them not to port it?

...seriously? Have you HEARD of Resident Evil? Shinji Mikami? The Capcom Five?
The developer almost never has control of what happens with their game after they finish it.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

I lost faith in these so call 3rd party promises saying this is Wii only and then months later its on pS3/360.

It isn't.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

Now wonder some Nintendo fans don't buy into 3rd parties games because they know they'd get fucked over in the long run.

Wait, so every single game that's available for the Wii and its competitors is automatically better for the competitors? Why, because they'll have better graphics?
They won't, by the way. The graphics don't automatically get better when you port a game, and these companies aren't going to take the time to completely rebuild the game with better graphics. Basically, if a Wii game goes to one of the other systems, the only difference is that it'll have shit controls.

And by the way, not sure if you've ever played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, but in my opinion, it's a thousand times better for the Wii than it is for the other systems.

Travis backstaper (guest) said:

Now you know why some people only buy Nintendos 1st parties games.:-x

No, I don't. Your whiny, senseless monologue means very, very little to anyone but you. Especially because you're wrong and the game in question isn't being ported to the PS3 or Xbox 360. NMH 3 won't even BE on the Wii, it's being developed for Nintendo's next system. Did you even READ the article?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Travis backstaper (guest) said:


And this is another reason why some people hate guest users. First off, WHAT THE HELL IS A BACKSTAPER? Is it a person who staples papers to people's backs?
Second off, your username makes it sound like YOU are the "backstaper".
Third, who gives a flying fadoodle if a game is ported to another console or two? It's not like this is a primarily Nintendo-made game, so the developer can do whatever the heck he wants and you can cry all the way to mommy and your blankie and teddy, but it still won't do you any good.

And again, note what sp00l said in that only the FIRST game is being ported, and that's not happening until YEARS after the first release of the game. The exclusive content isn't even worth crying over since there will DEFINITELY be plenty of Youtube or Gametrailers videos showing everything that you'd be missing. Just grow up.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

LOl so real angry nintendo fan, Moi as a real nintendo fan has to say that, NMH games dont sell as expected and Suda has a life, he has bills to pay he has workers to pay.

Suda is the pimp!!
He knows what is best for him and you know it is a good thing that to Suda wii successor is very important unlike other people or developers, to Suda Nintendo is always in mind, it does not matter if after some weeks come to other consoles what matter is that it was created exclusively for nintendo system.

xD dont hate, I bet you buy some EA games or activision, I bet you have a game that appeared for other video game system.

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

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