Japanese Gamers Want Mario as a Friend

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.09.2010 13

Japanese Gamers Want Mario as a Friend on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever wanted to be friends with video game characters? If your favourite faces broke through the tele, who would you want?

According to Siliconera, Japanese magazine Dengenki surveyed gamers across the country, asking which gaming mascots they would like to befriend. The most popular? Nintendo's Mario, of course!

The porky plumber was joined by the rather more gruff Solid Snake and Tales of Vesperia star Yuri. Capcom's best defense attorney, Phoenix Wright, also slipped into the top 10, and we'd certainly take him for a burger or two.

Going for a pint with the ever-silet Link, night-time schnenigans with Samus or hitching a lift with Yoshi, who would you like to become friends with from the video game world?

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Mario!? I'd want to punch him if he was real. "Hey, it's a-me, Mario!" would get old quickly.

Yeh, Phoenix Wright would be cool, and of course there's plenty of hot girls in the video game world. Smilie

Mine would be a Pikmin, they're so cute. :3

Cheesing it up said:
Mario!? I'd want to punch him if he was real. "Hey, it's a-me, Mario!" would get old quickly.

You'd punch Mario in the face? You cunt.

#1 zelda fan (guest) 07.09.2010#4

LINK!!!!!! The not talking part would get old though.

Naimo (guest) 07.09.2010#5

I would pick Mario from the Mario series because he is always happy and always embargoing on new adventure!

Naimo (guest) said:
I would pick Mario from the Mario series because he is always happy and always embargoing on new adventure!


Me? I'd think it'd be awesome palling around with Souji or Minato from the Persona series, kicking ass and taking names!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Link would be cool if you were in a group of friends. There's always a silent badass in those.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I'd like to go out with Ryu and take in a bar, then go hit the streets and take out a few punks!

PK Mongoose said:


"The New legal game from the creators of Super Mario Bros. starring the world famous Mario.

Combat copywright claims by Bowser's minions. Twart Wario's R4 piracy factories and dabble with Princess Peach's drug-dealing days.

It's NEW! Super Mario Embargoing Adventure: Stop Having Fun"

( Edited 07.09.2010 08:10 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'd hang out with Jolly Roger...

Image for

Mostly because he's awesome, but also because he likes good music.

( Edited 08.09.2010 04:23 by Martin_ )

I'm on my fifth time playing that Jolly Roger's Lagoon piano cover. It's absolutely fantastic.

I'd pick Lara Croft. She'd make for an interesting fag hag. Smilie

Marzy said:
I'm on my fifth time playing that Jolly Roger's Lagoon piano cover. It's absolutely fantastic.

Yeah, it's a great cover. If you like the actual game music at all, I have all the music for both N64 Banjo games. If you want I'll figure out a way to email it all to you. Probably have to do it in several parts or something. PM me if you're interested.

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