Golden Sun DS Release Date Announced For US

By Stuart Lawrence 31.08.2010 9

Golden Sun DS Release Date Announced For US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earlier today, in a press release, Nintendo announced that Golden Sun: Dark Dawn will be coming to North America later this year. The third game in the Golden Sun franchise will be heading to US stores on the 29th November, for the Nintendo DS family of portables.

Here's a quote from Nintendo's Press Release

Offering a planet-sized world of adventure to explore and conquer, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn puts the raw power of the elements in players' hands. Each of the game's playable characters is capable of carrying Djinn, spirits that imbue their owner with unique and powerful abilities. Players can collect more than 70 unique Djinn, granting them the ability to summon mighty deities who unleash devastating attacks that fill both Nintendo DS screens. Djinn powers can also be used to navigate puzzling dungeons and overworld environments that will have players flinging fireballs to burn away obstacles, freezing water to raise platforms, or summoning whirlwinds to create bridges out of floating objects.

Taking place 30 years after the events of Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age for the Game Boy™ Advance system, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn introduces a new generation of heroes that are struggling to survive in a radically changed world. What begins as a simple journey to rescue a lost friend turns into a dramatic quest to save the land from catastrophe as players are drawn into a world full of magical energy.

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Nothing yet has been said about the European release date, but be sure to check Cubed3 for more news.

Box art for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Golden Sun was one of my favorite RPGs because of its simple, turn-based battle system and summons. Hopefully they haven't changed it too much for Dark Dawn.

Do want! And for Christmas Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
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Indeed. It's a shame they couldn't wait a bit longer to release it as a 3DS launch game. I would've loved a GS 3DS Special Edition.

I also think it would be a very strong launch title from a sales PoV.

I'm shocked the date was not released at GamesCon in Germany. It was clearly a mistake, I hope Camelot get some compensation as it was clearly a breach of some sort of advertisement contract.

YES! Finally a release date. IMPORT TIME!!!!Smilie

Unless there is some sort of GBA connection, I'll most definitely be importing.

A GBA connection is worth waiting for imo.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I've never played Golden Sun, but have heard that it's incredible. Is it considered as good as Chrono Trigger, Pokemon, Paper Mario, and the Mario and Luigi series?

Nintendo of Europe's last release list had Golden Sun down as '2010' so here's hoping. Smilie

bornforthis43 said:
I've never played Golden Sun, but have heard that it's incredible. Is it considered as good as Chrono Trigger, Pokemon, Paper Mario, and the Mario and Luigi series?

I'd say it's the best RPG newcomer of the past 10 years. It sticks closely to traditional RPG mechanics but does so wonderfully with it's own added charm pasted on top.

I personally prefer Golden Sun to any Mario RPG.

The level of quality consistency in the two games so far have been amazing, so if this keeps it up I'm going to go ahead and say Camelot are some of the best devs around.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

A lot of people don't recognize the Mario RPG's as real RPG's because their more childish/cartoony/funny, but I think they are. They have the same core mechanics of RPG's with their own witty and unique twists to them, be it through story or gameplay.

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