Samus Glows Purple Gravity in Metroid: Other M

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.08.2010 20

Samus Glows Purple Gravity in Metroid: Other M on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Wii's regular DVDs can fit a fair bit of content, but with so many cutscenes and assets, Metroid Other M will be taking up a double sided disc.

In the second Iwata asks feature (via Siliconera), the team reveals that even with twice as much space to play with, it was tricky fitting everything in. Movies had to be trimmed ever-so-slightly, with mere seconds removed to achieved a balanced visual experience throughout - without the need to compress certain sections.

Samus’s Gravity Suit, seen in most games since Super Metroid on the SNES, won’t make a direct appearance in Other M, instead will be shown as a purple glow to indicate the upgraded ability is in effect. Reason being Yoshio Sakamoto felt that, with it’s purple guise, the suit looked out of place towards the end stages of the game. Same abilities, slightly different look.

Image for Samus Glows Purple Gravity in Metroid: Other M

Just over a week now folks!

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I personally think this is incredibly tacky and a bit of a kick in the nuts to long time Metroid fans.

I bet they didn't even consider giving us the option for the classic Gravity Suit. :/

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I could have SWORN I'd seen either a screenshot or gameplay footage of Samus in her purple Gravity Suit. Either that, or it was indeed this new aura, which actually ended up looking like a purple suit in the game :/

So I don't know... Maybe it won't look as bad as we think once we see it in action.

Maybe not.

ShadowEXP (guest) 25.08.2010#3

Times change it would be nice but you will hopefully get over it.

Oh come on. This is just like when Nintendo said that NSMBW used so much processing power, they couldn't do online or include other characters.

PMD said:
Oh come on. This is just like when Nintendo said that NSMBW used so much processing power, they couldn't do online or include other characters.

To make matters worse Other M is on a duel layered disc.

There is literally no excuse for not including an option for fans.

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-_- (guest) 25.08.2010#6

gravity suit since zero mission? Smilie don't make me laugh, next time research first then write, since super metroid

I just don't care, the game is gonna rule and everybody knows it. I don't want a feature available to me on just a fanboy notice, I want a game that's immense fun to play, and lovely, surprising new concepts used to achieve all of that.

Isn't it obvious that all this news is telling us every time some info emerges out of the infinity of the black masses of space, we're presented with "by the way, it's a different concept"?. I, for one, embrace our different concept game overlord.

fan (guest) 25.08.2010#8

i was sort of hoping for the gravity suit Smilie

-_- (guest) said:
gravity suit since zero mission? Smilie don't make me laugh, next time research first then write, since super metroid

Corrected. Next time learn some manners.

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Super-ninja93 (guest) 25.08.2010#11

In my opinion, it all makes a lot of sense. You don't see her wearing the gravity suit in metroid fusion? She must use that glowing technique instead. I never liked the gravity suit anyways.. kinda killed the look. Varia suit FTW!! I'm glad they decided to do that =]

Super-ninja93 (guest) said:
You don't see her wearing the gravity suit in metroid fusion? She must use that glowing technique instead.

Uhm... she does use the Gravity Suit in Fusion... for quite a large chunk of the game too...

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I hope thats her just powering it up and it will fade away, maybe a few lights on her suite will glow purple.

I hope Samus isn't constantly glowing. Smilie The reason for not having it is a bit silly and there's no reason why they couldn't just offer it as an optional suit change. Smilie

I'm guessing it's the FMV's fault, maybe theres certain parts you can get to before or after getting the suit that triggers a cutscenes, they couldn't afford to have 2 different FMV's just with a suit change?

Aw, man... no traditional Gravity Suit upgrade?! Smilie Straight up, I can say I don't care for having the purple glow effect over the standard Gravity Suit. That sucks.

I thought I saw the classic Gravity Suit in a couple early screen shots. I remember it looking quite awesome.

Reason being Yoshio Sakamoto felt that, with it’s purple guise, the suit looked out of place towards the end stages of the game. Same abilities, slightly different look.

Seriously? The standard Gravity Suit looks out of place but the glow is okay? Argh...

It's kinda funny how Samus' Varia Suit (which is actually a suit upgrade) has somewhat become the defacto form Samus is known for instead of her standard Power Suit. Which in actuality, is the basis for every other suit upgrade (save for the Zero & Fusion suits, of course).

( Edited 25.08.2010 19:58 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Super-ninja93 (guest) 26.08.2010#17

I mean't at the start before she lost her original power suit. She Isn't seen wearing it before she gets the fusion suit. Which follows up from other m to fusion.. makes a lot of sense to me.

Super-ninja93 (guest) said:
I mean't at the start before she lost her original power suit. She Isn't seen wearing it before she gets the fusion suit. Which follows up from other m to fusion.. makes a lot of sense to me.

Well to be honest it sounds like Adam has to authorise all her power use, which would also be the reason she doesn't have the Gravity Suit in this.

Infact I just remembered that she's not wearing it in the CGI fight against Mother Brain.

Ugh, fuck. They've just retconned it out of existence.

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Super-ninja93 (guest) 26.08.2010#19

Yeah.. thats probably why they didn't add the gravity suit to the game.. because it was supposed to make an appearance in the mother brain fight. It wouldn't be right if they added it later on in the game =/

Yoshio Sakamoto felt that, with it’s purple guise, the suit looked out of place towards the end stages of the game.

I just want to know when did this ever matter?

@SuperLink: Adam authorizes some of her power-ups, but Sakamoto-san stated in a recent interview that there are still many that will be acquired through means standard to the Metroid series.

Yeah, I just noticed the Gravity Suit upgrade isn't equipped in the battle with Mother Brain, either. Crap... what are they doing? The Gravity Suit is so badass.

( Edited 26.08.2010 17:22 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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