Sonic Colours Controls Kept Simple

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.08.2010 7

Sonic Colours Controls Kept Simple on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a recent interview with Sonic Colours producer Takashi Iizuka, he reveals that the game's control is to be kept simple and accessible.

One of the core concerns from many Sonic fans is that sometimes, particulary in the 3D games, controling SEGA's spikey mascot can be frustrating and awkward. There's too much room to move about, dodgy camera work and a rather slippery Sonic. To make the game more accessible to a broader audience the team have tightened the control for players both young and old.

We know there are sometimes opinions about control from core gamers, but we're intending Sonic Colours to be played by children of probably between six and twelve years-old.

So, with Sonic Colours we have aimed more to make a game that everyone can control and have fun in. So, it's not really a game for the core gamers. If you take the rail grind, it's something that's fast, not difficult but is fun to do and looks great. It's about making a game that's right for the core audience of the game.

Iizuka feels there are two sorts of Sonic players - ones who enjoy the 2D Mega Drive style, and those who prefer the 3D games (there really should be a third type who enjoys both...) and for the former SEGA are bringing out Sonic 4, and the latter, Sonic Colours.

With the original Sonic games being a one button affair that is easy to understand but challenging to play, it seems SEGA is taking a similiar approach with both upcoming games - taking away what most felt didn't work with the past 3D games and bringing back core mechanics.

Finally 2011 is the hedgehog's 20th anniversary since his baby steps on the Mega Drive, so Iizuka teases that "might just be seeing something special" for that.

Thanks to C3 reader L for the tip.

Box art for Sonic Colours
Also known as

Sonic Colors


Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

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Finally 2011 is the hedgehog's 20th anniversary since his baby steps on the Mega Drive, so Iizuka teases that "might just be seeing something special" for that.

I thought about that a while ago. I can't wait to see what they cook up next year! Smilie

(there really should be a third type who enjoys both...)


Iizuka clearly doesn't understand demographics very well. He should take a leaf from Mario's book.
Mario is simple and accessable universally to children, adults, casuals, hardcore gamers, everyone.

If Sonic isn't doing the same thing then he's kinda doing it wrong.
This makes me a bit worried about Sonic's direction.

Also I heard Iizuka talking about "an alternate plot" for the 20th anniv game?
It just gives me horrible flashbacks to Sonic '06, so I'm worried about that too ._.

Hopefully Colours and 4 will be good.

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Really looking forward to Colours, moreso than Sonic 4. Looks fantastic. Smilie

"nes who enjoy the 2D Mega Drive style, and those who prefer the 3D games"

The people that prefer the 2D games arn't necessarily people that want things "simple" or controlled with a D-Pad. Its just that those games were better overall.

I hate this idea. Its with Metroid too.
Analogue sticks aren't complex people!
We dont need to go back to Nes controlls! -sigh-

( Edited 13.08.2010 22:01 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I hate this idea. Its with Metroid too.
Analogue sticks aren't complex people!
We dont need to go back to Nes controlls! -sigh-

This doesn't necessarily mean that they'll be taking away the Nunchuk from the control scheme, it just means that maybe all you'll need to play the game is the Nunchuk itself...which would be creepy.

Chances are they'll have a control scheme for both the sideways-Wiimote-style/Classic Controller and one for Wiimote+Nunchuk. And hey, it's nice not having to memorize a few buttons that do useless things that one might only use in a few levels. Customizable controls are fine too.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I've got no problems with reducing button use.
Way back on the N64, Zelda showed that context-sensitive button schemes worked wonders.
A game like Sonic really doesn't need much at all. So no problems for me there. More often then not games don't need all the buttons they do.
Moreso, Id agree that "lots of buttons" do put people of games and are a barrier.

But I want my analogue movement darn-it! Smilie
Sticks arn't complex, and for 99.9% of tasks they are better then DPads.

As for "just nunchuck", I thought there was a Wii game that need that. Was an action-adventure game I think?? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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