Possible World Ends With You Sequel on the Way

By 10.08.2010 9

Possible World Ends With You Sequel on the Way on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Recently taking some time out from his job, to speak to Nintendo Power. Game director and artist, Testuya Nomura discussed his desire to create a sequel to the 2008 cult RPG, World Ends With You.

Testuya Nomura worked as an artist on the original game and has also worked on other Square-Enix games in the past, including Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. He's is currently working on other big projects at the moment, although he has told Nintendo Power that he would love to make a sequel to World Ends With You, but when the time is right.

"I'm really happy that the game was so well received in North America. I definitely want to make a sequel. I'm very busy working on other titles right now, but when the time is right, I would love to make another installment of The World Ends with You."

Would you like to see a sequel to World Ends With You?

Box art for The World Ends with You

Square Enix


Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (19 Votes)

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That could certainly be interesting. If he does I really hope it features the same characters somehow, because I'd really like to see more of them.

But Nomura is so fucking busy with all his projects, I wonder if he'll ever have time for TWEWY again ._.

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I don't really plan on buying the 3DS (until I get a job anyway...), but this is one game that would definitely make me buy new hardware just to play it.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++
Our member of the week

It's like every time i beat a game i should have beaten a long time ago, a sequel gets announced XD. Want me to beat Chrono Cross people Smilie ?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
It's like every time i beat a game i should have beaten a long time ago, a sequel gets announced XD. Want me to beat Chrono Cross people Smilie ?

Yeah do it!
I should do it too, because I just finished TWEWY a month or so ago Smilie

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Jean-Pierre (guest) 10.08.2010#5

Yes please that would be sweeeeeeet XD! But then again yes as Superlunk says he has too much on his plate!

Fuck yes.

This sounds awesome.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!
Ryuka (guest) 12.08.2010#8

Would I like to? I WOULD LOVE TO. Not a perfect game, but incredibly captivating with unique and beautiful graphics. Even just a new story on the same engine would be fine.


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