Play as a God, Destroy Humans in New Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2010 8

Play as a God, Destroy Humans in New Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Humans are greedy, always wanting more! In our race's latest bid for power we're trying to reach the land of the Gods.

A bunch of humans, represented as ickle black blob men, have started to build a huge tower to ascend high up into the clouds and it's your job to play God and quash their efforts. Use all the powers at your disposal - including fire, acid and lightning to reduce the tower to shreds. There'll be four Gods available from Norse, Egyptian, Greco-Roman and Japanese mythologies.

Developer Zallag has released the second teaser trailer for the forthcoming WiiWare game Gods Vs Humans.

Box art for Gods vs. Humans








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Interesting looking RTS, I'm assuming that's what it is looking at that footage.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

It looks like a Tower defense game in reverse. So far I like what I see.

Wow this looks pretty cool. I would love to try it out myself.

um ok this is a little off the topic but I want to talk on new topic ok I know from time to there's game out there the really drives you crazy I mean don't get me wrong it's an ok game but the puzzles a are so hard to solve that u sometimes feellike throwing system or handheld out the nearest window I have had games like this like one time I was playing tombraider on my old school xbox back in the day and lara fell off the cliff and there was puzzle that I couldn't solve I had been playing the game for weeks maybe even months well the joy stick sailed out window now I have this new game for my dsi called secret files Tunguska which is driving me crazy the thing I want to ask is have any of had games like this before this is my new topic ideal can we please talk games that piss us off because they so hard to play thank you maia jones SmilieSmilie

captxena said:
um ok this is a little off the topic but I want to talk on new topic ok I know from time to there's game out there the really drives you crazy I mean don't get me wrong it's an ok game but the puzzles a are so hard to solve that u sometimes feellike throwing system or handheld out the nearest window I have had games like this like one time I was playing tombraider on my old school xbox back in the day and lara fell off the cliff and there was puzzle that I couldn't solve I had been playing the game for weeks maybe even months well the joy stick sailed out window now I have this new game for my dsi called secret files Tunguska which is driving me crazy the thing I want to ask is have any of had games like this before this is my new topic ideal can we please talk games that piss us off because they so hard to play thank you maia jones SmilieSmilie


And this game just needs the phrase "Tower of Babel" somewhere in the title. "Gods vs. Humans" seems just so...unoriginal...

( Edited 06.08.2010 18:11 by PK Mongoose )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

maiajones (guest) 07.08.2010#6

um new topic please lets talk about games that piss us off because they are so hard to play anybody up for this topic I know there's out who have the same deal

maiajones (guest) said:
um new topic please lets talk about games that piss us off because they are so hard to play anybody up for this topic I know there's out who have the same deal

Yeaaaah NO. You've never been on a forum, have you? Smilie

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Honestly, it looks like they textured over My Life as a DarkLord.

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