No old Pokemon in Black and White

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2010 26

No old Pokemon in Black and White on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

...till you complete the game. To keep things fresh Nintendo are banning existing Pokemon from the main part of Pokemon Black and White.

According to a blog post from developer GameFreak's Junichi Masuda (translated via Andriasang), the team want to offer a complete reboot for the series - removing previous Pokemon from the adventure.

Your old favourites are only encountered after completing the main game. He wants players both old and new to be in the same boat, trying to recapture the unknown and the feeling of "what does this Pokémon do?"

The studio questioned testers from outside Nintendo, with a results pointing toward a refreshing, new experience:

  • "It's like playing something completely new, similar to when I played Red & Green"
  • "You don't even know the type of the Pokemon, so you're surprised at the skills"
  • "There are only Pokemon that you've never seen, so it's fresh and new"
  • The latest TV spot (courtesy to Squidboy):

    Box art for Pokémon Black & White

    Game Freak




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    I like this. I like this a lot!

    It would give the game a totally fresh feeling and I am completely for this as I have to say that it has always been a little sad/annoying to run into 1-2 new pokemon for every 4-5 that already existed before, at the start of each new generation's game. Thank you Nintendo for shaking things up! Smilie

    ( Edited 07.04.2013 04:49 by Guest )

    I welcome any freshness that can be brought to the franchise. In my opinion, this is a nice a step to take.

    ( Edited 07.04.2013 04:49 by Guest )

    Yay! This has gotta be good news. Gives the game a bit more replay value as well, because I always want to replay it and get GOOD pokemon in my squad. Smilie

    ( Edited 07.04.2013 04:49 by Guest )

    This is almost what they did in Generation III, but this version of it's more successful. ALL Pokemon are new rather than MOST while still giving it a fresh start. A complete reboot entirely is going to be awesome, and then the old Pokemon can be brought in after the experience. Good stuff.

    ( Edited 07.04.2013 04:49 by Guest )

    No more effing Geodudes and Zubats in caves?


    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    This is brilliant news imo, no Tentacool or Magikarp or Zubat or Geodude until after the game's finale!

    So much freshness, I hope to be surprised at every turn!

    Cheesing it up said:
    because I always want to replay it and get GOOD pokemon in my squad. Smilie

    You must find the games with only 1st gen Pokémon appearing post-game very boring then. Smilie

    ( Edited 05.08.2010 02:59 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Excellent, I think it'll be a lot easier for new people to the series...I wonder how it'll translate to the TV show?

    dojo said:
    Excellent, I think it'll be a lot easier for new people to the series...I wonder how it'll translate to the TV show?

    Quite easily I imagine. As usual, Ash will be ditching every Pokémon except Pikachu, and he'll be getting new companions too.

    One who's (unfortunately) an original character created specifically for the anime, and the other who's a new Gym Leader.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


    So Old Rod will no longer catch useless fish!

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    Sounds interesting. You still get the originals after the main story is finished and thus it IS a new game overall.

    Not by this alone.
    You could randomize the names/images of all the Pokemon in the old games and it wouldn't make a new game.

    Dont get me wrong, this IS a good choice. But its not in itself new game-play. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Simon) said:
    No more effing Geodudes and Zubats in caves?


    Surely they'll just be a couple pokemon that essentially replace them though?
    My bet is on a stalactite, that evolves into... stalagmite. Smilie

    SuperLink said:
    Quite easily I imagine. As usual, Ash will be ditching every Pokémon except Pikachu, and he'll be getting new companions too.

    One who's (unfortunately) an original character created specifically for the anime, and the other who's a new Gym Leader.

    Isn't that (almost) what happens in every new region he enters?

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    Darkflame said:
    t get me wrong, this IS a good choice. But its not in itself new game-play.

    This is just one design choice that goes alongside all the other huge changes this gen has to offer.

    PK Mongoose said:

    Isn't that (almost) what happens in every new region he enters?

    Pretty much yeah.
    However this is the first different Gym Leader travelling with Ash since Brock.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Then what if his other traveling companion is Ms. Awesome Hair?

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    PK Mongoose said:
    Then what if his other traveling companion is Ms. Awesome Hair?

    Unfortunately I guess the anime writers decided White was too old to travel with Ash (although I always though Brock was around her age or older)

    Plus if she was made an anime character she'd have been made incredibly loud and annoying and contest obsessed like Misty and May and Dawn.

    Instead we have an original character made specifically for the anime called Iris.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    PK Mongoose said:
    Then what if his other traveling companion is Ms. Awesome Hair?

    My money is on Pikachu!

    SON OF A....

    That Firepig sure is a cute.

    3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

    I kinda wish they would mix every Pokemon in, just making the ones you normally run into much rarer, so as it looks as though there is a massive and varied eco-system goign on under the surface, instead of one bird and one other animal cropping up on the first route, and two monsters constantly appearing in caves with every step you take, and the same with surfing/fishing. A refresh is what they did with R/S, and quite a lot of people didn't like it, which is why we got FR/LG.

    Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

    Darkflame said:
    Not by this alone.
    You could randomize the names/images of all the Pokemon in the old games and it wouldn't make a new game.

    Dont get me wrong, this IS a good choice. But its not in itself new game-play.

    No, but the 3v3 battles, 3D worlds, and fully-rendered battles are.

    I think this is a great decision. After Silver, I didn't play a pokemon game until I got Platinum. Finding new pokemon and learning how to use them and fight against ones I'd never seen before was so much fun.

    NNID: crackedthesky
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    SuperLink said:
    So much freshness, I hope to be surrpised at every turn!

    I hope to be just as surrpised as you! Smilie

    The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

    Keven said:

    I hope to be just as surrpised as you! Smilie

    Hush now, I was very tired yesterday Smilie

    /kills self

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
    maia jones (guest) 05.08.2010#23

    ok wtf

    Cara (guest) 07.08.2010#24

    Brilliant!Smilie Cant wait for it to come out in IrelandSmilie

    I thought they sed Pokemon SOulSSilver and Heartgold Wer the last installments to the pokemon game experience??Smilie

    PsiWren (guest) 09.08.2010#25

    Missed this articule/note/blurb when it was put up 4 days ago, but still want to add my 1 cent penny bit.

    Hmmm...That mean that Pal Park (if there is one in BW), as well as the trading system aren't going to be operative until after you battle the Isshu Region's version of the Elite 4 or whatever is going to be considered the peak of the game? 'Cause if Masuda wants players to ONLY use the new pokemon, that's the only way people won't be tempted to trans over their fave Pokemon.

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