Treasure to Craft 3DS Shooter?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2010 3

Treasure to Craft 3DS Shooter? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A recent job listing on Japanese developer Treasure's website requires 3D game programmers for an upcoming 3D shmup.

The folk behind popular on-rail shooters Sin and Punishment and Gunstar Heroes are back with a new "3D action shooter" for an unspecified platform. The project aims strongly a Nintendo's 3DS given lower development costs and portability over a full-blown home or arcade 3D project.

Experience in action/shooter games and ideally having worked on programming for "3D game production" is preferred.

With the success of Sin and Punishment, could Treasure be working on a 3DS version for Nintendo? On that note why not see how the second game did in our review.

Thanks to C3 reader Squidboy.

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It would be awesome to see Treasure make a 3D S&P, bullets and missiles flying at yo' face = Pure epicness.
As a recent fan of the Sin and Punishment series, I think it would be nice for it to have a 3DS outing.

( Edited 04.08.2010 01:12 by Mush123 )

It would be so awesome to see a new S&P in portable form, the last Wii game was absolutely fantastic. I can easily imagine recent words from Hideki Konno regarding shooters and the 3DS tempting them into it.

I would go gaga if it turns out to be a new Astroboy or Silhouette Mirage, but I'd also be happy with a new game entirely. I love everything Treasure makes.

BUY Sin 2- Support Great Games on Nintendo Wii

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Maybe they'll port S&P2 to the 3DS or do a new one?

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