Recent Capcom Titles Underperforming, Capcom Report Losses

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 02.08.2010 8

Recent Capcom Titles Underperforming, Capcom Report Losses on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It may not come as a surprise considering all their recent publications and development shenanigans, but 3rd Party developer, Capcom, has reported a 70% drop in earnings for Q1 2010.

The current strength of the Yen due to the recent economic crisis is cited as one of the reasons, although certain recent Capcom titles have also been under-performing in Japan, especially Lost Planet 2 which "underperformed its projection substantially". Nintendo exclusive Capcom titles Ghost Trick and Monster Hunter 3 Tri have also been having problems selling to Capcom's expectations.

Thanks to Andriasang for the tip.

How will these losses affect Capcom's development? Is it time for them to take a breather? Express your thoughts below.

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Does anyone know what sales monster hunter tri had to this day? It's a fun, long lasting game that's for sure, but I haven't the faintest of how it performed sales wise...

It sold a lot more then any previous console version has.
So I'm not sure how its really underproformed.

Only relative to the PSP editions from what gamechartz says;

Am I reading the chart wrong, or do games firms just chuck the word "underperformed" in front of anything they like? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Ax. (guest) 02.08.2010#3

Sure they lost their forecasted gross profit from those titles, but in light of their success with street fighter IV, and more recently, super street fighter IV selling considreably well -- And not to mention their upcoming marvel vs. capcom 3 AND the tekken vs street fighter, street fighter x tekken titles that are due out, which, already have a large audience to appeal to.

They'll recover.

Not sure how MHT "underperformed" as it sold more than any of the other console versions of Monster Hunter. Capcom will make up for their "loss" with Tekken x Street Fighter, Street Fighter x Tekken, the 3DS port of SSIV and more than likely, RE: Revelations.

( Edited 02.08.2010 17:12 by Mush123 )

Monster Hunter Tri has sold over 1 million copies and could be at the moment at 1.2-1.5 million copies sold worldwide.

Ghost Trick has only been released in Japan and has sold 50,000 copies since launch. To compare, the first Phoenix Wright (a re-release of a GBA game from the same creator) game had sold 80,000 copies in the same 6 week period so Ghost Trick is performing accordingly and will probably end up selling 100,000 in Japan and 200,000 in the US.

I think it's time for Capcom to not make another Lost Planet 2. Or possibly another Lost Planet, period.

Monster Hunter Tri is an awesome game, and people should be forced to buy it, to save Capcom.....but Capcom themselves should be banned from making any more Street Fighter vs Xmen vs Marvel vs Random Heroes nobody cares about vs whatever. These games SUCK ASS now.

Also, when I say "SUCK ASS", please read that as "do not appeal to me" thanks Smilie

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