Wii Tales Gracefully Ports onto PS3

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.07.2010 13

Wii Tales Gracefully Ports onto PS3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst dabbling with new entries in the longrunning Tales series, Namco Bandai has confirmed Tales of Graces for PS3.

The once Wii exclusive game will now also be venturing onto Sony's console as Tales of Graces F, offering improved special attacks, new costumes and visual tweaks when it arrives this winter. The PS3 also gets an undisclosed original outing alongside Graces.

The Wii version was released in Japan last year.

Box art for Tales of Graces

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



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Urgh, bit lame - and the PS3 gets its own new Tales game as well?!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah I'm really pissed off about this. Not only does Sony never miss out on a Tales game, but they also get exclusives that actually stay on their console.

To make things worse

- Neither version of Graces will ever be localised
- I've heard that Namco will never be localising a Tales game ever again

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Everyone saw this coming, the Wii version of Graces was a bit incomplete. At least everyone knows now not to buy a Tales game that isn't on the Playstation otherwise your gonna get screwed over.

L said:
Everyone saw this coming, the Wii version of Graces was a bit incomplete. At least everyone knows now not to buy a Tales game that isn't on the Playstation otherwise your gonna get screwed over.

Unless you live outside of Japan. I buy what I can get and get pissed off at every other thing Namco doesn't give us.

Kinda annoyed that ToV came out on PS3, but hey, it's not like we'll ever fucking get it anyway.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm glad I'm not a Tales fan, but 3rd Parties sure like to piss of Nintendo fans don't they? I think Namco and Capcom are the biggest offenders.

PMD said:
I'm glad I'm not a Tales fan, but 3rd Parties sure like to piss of Nintendo fans don't they? I think Namco and Capcom are the biggest offenders.

I think Capcom have more than made up for it in some ways. With TvC and a new Resi on 3DS, as well as motherfucking Okamiden and the Ace Attorney franchise.

Capcom are pretty nice to everyone lately. Namco on the other hand are right assholes to everyone.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

improved special attacks, new costumes and visual tweaks

= no new gameplay or extended playing time.

Its hardly anything to work a fuss over.

By all means get annoyed at the lack of localisation, but later ports of games almost always get some extra stuff, whoever does them.

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I loved both Symphonias. I don't even care that it's on PS3, but not leaving Japan? Dang :C

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3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

So they basically made it cel shaded.
It doesn't actually look that much better at all :/

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe they would have done more with it, if they weren't making another PS3 Tales title. It's a cash in title...

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

It's a shame that the chance of us getting this is slim as well... sigh.

Yoshindo (guest) 06.08.2010#13

SuperLink said:
Yeah I'm really pissed off about this. Not only does Sony never miss out on a Tales game, but they also get exclusives that actually stay on their console.

To make things worse

- Neither version of Graces will ever be localised
- I've heard that Namco will never be localising a Tales game ever again

We still have Tales of Syphonia 2, haha. If Namco does with this what they did with Vesperia (full voice acting, etc) then this isn't so bad. What makes this announcement sting is as SuperLink says, the "exclusives" on other consoles never stay exclusive. Plus, I hate buying the game and then finding out a better version is being released. And I hope they change their mind about localizing Tales games. If not, oh well, Abyss is my favorite Tales game anyway.

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