Pokémon Black and White to Feature Exclusive Areas

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.07.2010 16

Pokémon Black and White to Feature Exclusive Areas on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest snippets of footage from upcoming DS Pokemon pair Black and White reveal exclusive features and locations in each.

In previous colour iterations in the long-running series there have been exclusive monsters to do battle with and catch, and Nintendo/GameFreak seem to be taking this a step further by having an exclusive towns to visit in each.

According to Siliconera, in Pokemon Black you'll trundle into "Black City" and in Pokemon White, "White Forest", each boasting contrasting looks. It seems that identical areas will look totally different, with Black offering a darker, futuristic tone and White a more traditional, brighter approach.

Both games also include a "Global Link" system to sync up with a website to play through various minigames, encounter and capture Pokemon from outside the game's Isshu region.

Box art for Pokémon Black & White

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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This game gets more interesting by the minute. That new feature where you can capture Pokémon outside the defult region is a great idea. Not sure if that has been implimented befire in a Pokémon game. Black city and white forest sound intersting.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

This got a verbal "Oooooooooooooooo" out of me! Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09
L (guest) 20.07.2010#3

I prefer the White cities, more traditional.

if only some of the 5th generation did not look so damn stupid. (i thought the fourth generation was awful at first)

Extremely kick ass Pokemon died after they made the first 3 generation.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

i know this would happen sooner or later

Obviously Pokemon black ftw - the "more traditional" view I've been seeing for 10+ years, I want something new.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

SuperShyGuy62 said:
if only some of the 5th generation did not look so damn stupid. (i thought the fourth generation was awful at first)

Extremely kick ass Pokemon died after they made the first 3 generation.

No, they all look as great as they always did. The first 2 gens also had completely retarded monster designs that everyone would hate if they were "new", and if Pokémon like Chiramii and Spheal were made in first gen everyone would love them.

Because they're first gen.

Noone in the fanbase is a professional character designer. Noone can claim to know what a Pokémon should look like, considering the people who make Pokémon now have been making it since before most of us were born.

They decide what Pokémon is. They've had about 1000 monsters planned from the start, and the fans have just grown up from easy-to-please children. That's all.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Get out of here, SL! You're breaking your oath! Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Keven said:
Get out of here, SL! You're breaking your oath! Smilie

I've known about this for a while anyway, but never fear I haven't seen any new Pokémon Smilie

But yeah I'm not trying hard enough am I.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
SuperShyGuy62 said:
if only some of the 5th generation did not look so damn stupid. (i thought the fourth generation was awful at first)

Extremely kick ass Pokemon died after they made the first 3 generation.

No, they all look as great as they always did. The first 2 gens also had completely retarded monster designs that everyone would hate if they were "new", and if Pokémon like Chiramii and Spheal were made in first gen everyone would love them.

Because they're first gen.

Noone in the fanbase is a professional character designer. Noone can claim to know what a Pokémon should look like, considering the people who make Pokémon now have been making it since before most of us were born.

They decide what Pokémon is. They've had about 1000 monsters planned from the start, and the fans have just grown up from easy-to-please children. That's all.

I understand what you are saying, but I don't understand why some are just unappealing to be honest.

I know some Pokemon from the first two gen's are completely stupid. (Lickitung and Hoothoot are just plain dumb) but what I have seen so far, i cannot bare to compare these 5th gen Pokemon that are completely awesome such as Dragonair and Manectric.

*I don't hate all 5th gen as of now, I do like the grass starter, the big white legendary, the bird and the zebra. That new bat thing looks like something that should have never been created under the name Pokemon. I just don't seem to enjoy these ones yet.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
That new bat thing looks like something that should have never been created under the name Pokemon. I just don't seem to enjoy these ones yet.

From what I hear it only looks about as stupid as Poliwag.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Every new piece of news that comes out for this game makes me squeal like a little schoolgirl.

I wish I could stop playing Pokemon, but they just get me every time by making the games better and better.

Like many others, I am skeptical of the new monsters, but I have come to accept over the years that I'm always skeptical of the new generations and slowly get used to them and come to love them.

Cannot WAIT for these games to come out, and I'm so glad I don't have to make a decision as to which game I'll get.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Am I the only one sick of Pokemon? The formula is so hideously stale yet each game falls into the same old style. I thought it being a new console that Pearl would be something different but sure enough I ended up trawling gyms maybe with one or two dungeon crawls and a final big run against high level pokemon/trainers. Same as Blue/Red, Gold/Silver etc etc.

HazukiSan said:
Am I the only one sick of Pokemon? The formula is so hideously stale yet each game falls into the same old style. I thought it being a new console that Pearl would be something different but sure enough I ended up trawling gyms maybe with one or two dungeon crawls and a final big run against high level pokemon/trainers. Same as Blue/Red, Gold/Silver etc etc.

Well what would you do with it to make it different? There are many solid spin offs with different gameplay styles like Mystery Dungeon and Ranger.

Honestly? Pokémon's changed more than the grand majority of RPG franchises, I don't see why people have such a huge problem with only Pokémon.

Then again there are people who think it's changed far too much and want it to be as simple as the first gen games again.

Basically people who've lost interest in Pokémon are impossible to please.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm not talking about offshoots I'm talking about developing that core game line in meaningful ways. The biggest changes come from increased pokemon numbers and maybe how they are caught. The end of the day though the core battle functions, training for want of a better word and even game structure.

Take a look at say Final Fantasy for another long running game series. As cliche as it can be each game takes a stab at trying something new. Battle systems, level progression, most definitely plot. Now granted it has more time to develop but it doesn't change the fact that it tried. Pokemon seems very settled into working to it's own formula.

HazukiSan said:
e end of the day though the core battle functions, training for want of a better word and even game structure.

The battles themselves were revolutionised in both Gens 3 and 5, most fans just ignored the mechanic revolution in Gen 3, and we're not sure how they'll work in Gen 5 yet, but we know they're being streamlined and they look more dynamic.

Take a look at say Final Fantasy for another long running game series. As cliche as it can be each game takes a stab at trying something new. Battle systems, level progression, most definitely plot. Now granted it has more time to develop but it doesn't change the fact that it tried. Pokemon seems very settled into working to it's own formula.

Pokémon takes a stab at something new with each game too, but this is just met on deaf ears from many fans. Keep in mind, Pokémon has only had 4 games, and Final Fantasy has been going for around 20 years, and only just recently has the battle system begun to really change. Evolutions like real time or Active Time battle would not really work in a game where most battles are one on one, and the mechanics for triple battles are quite a bit different to regular or double battles.

Pokémon has had more evolutions than Final Fantasy did in the first half of its life (I-VI). The fact that the plots aren't too deep can be put down to the fact that it's an RPG for children, yet even then we'll be getting a much deeper plot (so I hear) in Gen 5.

Gen 2 introduced hold items which have become more and more essential to play, as well as adding 2 new types and revolutionising the type matchups
Gen 3 introduced double battles and contests, a different way to play for those who liked it. It also revolutionised the battle system to be more balanced
Gen 4 introduced a split in physical and special attacks for every type, another huge change that most people just didn't notice.
Gen 5 is introducing triple battles and much more.

As far as changing the Pokémon formula completely goes, you can only really look forward to games that shake things up (like Gen5), because GameFreak have said they'll be sticking to a certain gameplay style for the mainseries games in order to keep their loyal fans happy, whilst working on spin offs for their new ideas.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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