AlphaBounce DSiWare Competition Results

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.07.2010 6

AlphaBounce DSiWare Competition Results on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After blasting through several stacks of blocks, the results are for our exclusive AlphaBounce DSiWare Nintendo Points competition.

Last month we teamed up with Motion Twin to bring you an exclusive competition to bag Nintendo Points to spend on the unique DSiWare action/puzzler.

We had some excellent suggestions for new ball effects, thanks to all who took the time to send in their ideas.

Congratulations to:
European Reader - Squid Boy

A "wormhole ball" that could slow down time and explode when desired taking out multiple blocks.

North American Reader - EdEN
Teleport Explosion: Your ball goes through 5 blocks and explodes... only to resurface 5 blocks ahead and do the same. This effects lasts only for 3 blasts but has the added effect of letting you actually point out the trajectory of your ball using the stylus in the bottom sceen.

Great ability for those levels with a lot of drilling needed. The Explosion has a range of 3x3 blocks around it.

Be sure to stick around for more exclusive competitions and prize give-aways!

Box art for AlphaBounce

Mad Monkey


Mad Monkey





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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Wooo!, thanks Cubed3 & MotionTwin! Smilie

Congratulations to EdEN also, well done dude Smilie

I knew my idea was a good one. I did my research, I read it's user created wiki page and checked out the browser version beforehand.

I love my Breakout style games and enjoyed the browser version, so I am looking forward to playing this. It's 25 million levels will certainly keep me busy for a long time Smilie

AlphaBounce DSiWare

IGN 9/10

Cubed3 Review 9/10:

I'm just glad to have something great to play while I continue to wait on Shantae...Nintendo! Smilie

I guess I should PM one of you guys?

( Edited 18.07.2010 16:57 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Thanks for your PM and email. I didn't leave any details because I emailed the code before posting this to the address you entered. Enjoy.

( Edited 18.07.2010 22:57 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Thanks for your PM and email. I didn't leave any details because I emailed the code before posting this to the address you entered. Enjoy.

I've tried typing the code into my DSi a few times now and it keeps saying "this Nintendo points card has already been redeemed" in red letter

The points balance on my DSi remains at 100. Perhaps you got one of the numbers wrong in the email you sent?.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I've tried typing the code into my DSi a few times now and it keeps saying "this Nintendo points card has already been redeemed" in red letter

The points balance on my DSi remains at 100. Perhaps you got one of the numbers wrong in the email you sent?.

Perhaps. It was copied and pasted from an email - so I will chase Motion Twin for a working code. Thanks for your patience..

( Edited 19.07.2010 22:06 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Thanks for the great news jb! Points have been added to my DSi and I just got my little sister to buy Alphabounce for her DSi as well. Too bad Squidboy's code isn's working but hopefully that can be fixed shortly.

Any word of an AlphaBounce sequel or of their next game?

Thanks jb, the new code worked fine Smilie I've downloaded AlphaBounce and Soul of Darkness.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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