Sakurai Explains 3DS Kid Icarus Origins

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2010 11

Sakurai Explains 3DS Kid Icarus Origins on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Masahiro Sakurai, producer behind upcoming 3DS game Kid Icarus Uprising, recently explained how the project came to be with Iwata.

In an interview with 1up, he explains that the game original begun as a simple, fast-paced original shooter. It eventually weaved roots with Nintendo's Kid Icarus after discussions with Satoru Iwata and co.

  • The game didn't originally start as Kid Icarus, was an all new franchise.
  • He wanted an original title out early in the 3DS's life, could have chosen an easy genre to work with, but decided to choose a type of game he wouldn't normally work with. He doubted Iwata wanted another Wii Party or generic game.
  • Most of the launch titles Sakurai felt would likely be ports/remakes.
  • As mentioned at E3, Sakurai wanted a game with heavy air battles much like an on-rails 3D shooter - simple, exciting and fast paced and ground battles. He didn't feel it would appeal just in the air, so introduced ground battles.
  • The idea was pitched to Iwata, with the pair considering wether to work in an existing series or not. In the end Sakurai decided Kid Icarus would be appropriate.
  • Image for Sakurai Explains 3DS Kid Icarus Origins

  • Goddess Palutena grants Pit the ability to fly for five minutes at a time, with the angel chap venturing into the skies and breaking into enemy strongholds. When the time was up he would then do battle on the ground.
  • Initially started off with a team of less than ten, with little to no development tools.
  • Sakurai admits that he isn't the "sort of person who wants to tell a story with his games", instead relying on a series of signposts to move players from one area to the next, with new goals and environments. Outside illustrators came up with concepts for backgrounds, characters and worlds.
  • It's the first 3DS project ever launched -- simple but technically complex, easily learned but deep enough to satisfy gamers. We're interweaving a variety of conflicting watchwords into the game as development continues.

    Box art for Kid Icarus: Uprising








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    Makes me realise that I still have to raise money for a 3DS. Smilie

    Hopefully this game won't be as cruel and unforgiving as the first game. Smilie

    The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09
    Jess (guest) 16.07.2010#2

    I love the look of this game. It's very hard to believe that it's on a Nintendo portable. I would have expected "Kid Icarus: Mathematics Training" or "Counting to 10 with Pitt" on there really.

    Oooh, looks nice. I gotta get me a 3DS aswell then. Smilie

    Sakurai admits that he isn't the "sort of person who wants to tell a story with his games"

    I hope that means very little dialoge because Pits Sonic esque voice sounded really awfulSmilie

    ( Edited 16.07.2010 14:21 by Jimmy2000 )

    Notice how they decide on the gameplay they want to make first THEN pick the IP to use? I think thats wonderfull. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    I love how he picks game play over anything else, just like Miyamoto

    "Do a Barrel Roll!"

    Basing the IP on kid Icarus was most likely to get everyone to shut up about a Kid Icarus sequal and to bank on the interest generated from gamers who wanted it (even though the majority had no past experience with it, they just wanted it for some reason)Smilie

    Saving a little every day might allow me to get a 3DS at launch. It all depends on if it launchs in December (NO) or March (YES!).

    He was probably tied up and beaten before slapping on the Kid Icarus look... Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
    Daniel (guest) 19.07.2010#10

    the nintendo 3ds need a super smash bros game

    the game a good 3ds gameSmilie

    So this game is only called Kid Icarus andh as that hideous character because a load of forum fanboys and journalists started pretending to have remembered/played/enjoyed Kid Icarus all of a sudden circa 2006.

    Thanks guys

    ( Edited 20.07.2010 19:23 by Raff )

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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