Nintendo Producer Talks 3DS Shape, Tag Mode

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.07.2010 4

Nintendo Producer Talks 3DS Shape, Tag Mode on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo producer Hideki Konno, of Mario Kart and Super Mario fame, recently talked 3DS development and hardware design.

In an interview with Wired Game|Life, the Mario Kart producer disclosed a few details on Nintendo's tasty new hardware, including a little more on the potential benefits of the "tag mode".

The feature, embedded in the 3DS itself and designed by Konno, lets games that have it enabled to save data directly on the console. Players will be able to see that they've communicated with other owners without having to keep the cartridge in the slot and running. Nintendo hope that this might encourage players to come back to a tagged-enabled game if they receive new data from others.

Konno also hopes that software will also push the motion control found in the 3DS, with the hardware offering similiar capabilities to the Wii Motion Plus.

Finally, he confirms that the shape and design of what's been shown is near enough what will hit the market - unlike the original DS prototype.

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Our member of the week

This tag mode makes me think of the Mario Kart Wii Channel, except the player doesn't need to boot the channel and connect to NWC to get the new data.

Seeing that the guy worked on Mario Kart, it makes me think that the MKWii channel, combined with the bark mode/tag mode of other DS titles were the basis of how the 3DS tag mode will be.

I'm surprised this ressemblance with the Mario Kart Wii channel wasn't brought in any interview with the guy yet... (any interview that i know of at least)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I would G-L-A-D-L-Y rock the "Tag Mode" feature if Nintendo & 3rd Party friends gave out some choice Tag Mode Goodies...

Hell, to be honest, my friends could tell you that my DSi goes everywhere with me, so this I guess would just be an added benefit.

( Edited 14.07.2010 00:14 by Glenjamin )

Tag Mode on 3DS sounds a lot better, but for small towns and such, I don't think it'll work. If you went to London or some other big city, you may pick up some pieces of data for your games. But living in Wellingborough, where half of the population are chavs... yeah, not very likely to work.

Do want to see how effective the 3DS tag mode will be - can definitely be useful in larger cities like Mush mentions. By the way the DSi looks, the 3DS interface should hopefully be pretty decent!

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