3DS Anti-Piracy Measures Too Sophisticated?

By Calum Peak 11.07.2010 26

3DS Anti-Piracy Measures Too Sophisticated? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It is no secret that Nintendo has been hit hard by piracy on their consoles courtesy of homebrew applications as well as DS carts such as the R4. Nintendo has attempted to prevent the problem with a series of lawsuits and court cases in the past but the damage had been done with the DS original and Lite. Now with the 3DS looming on the horizon at some point, it seems imperative for Nintendo to take greater action against piracy, and it seems that they have developed something very complex for its 3D wonder.

According to Ian Curran, THQ's executive Vice President of Global Publishing, that Nintendo stated that the "Technology is too sophisticated to explain" which means that Nintendo are taking the matter seriously, but also a flip side could be gleaned that we may see the end of fan made homebrew titles.

The problem with the DS market in the last few years, particularly with the DS Lite, is that it's just been attacked by piracy. It's made it almost impossible to shift any significant volume. The DSi combated it a little bit, but the 3DS has taken that a step further. I actually asked Nintendo to explain the technology and they said it's very difficult to do so because it's so sophisticated.

Whether that is the real reason why Nintendo couldn't explain its preventative technology remains to be seen, either it is really complex and/or, they aren't giving their competition a head start.

What are your feelings towards the whole piracy and homebrew scenes on Nintendo's consoles? Is this a good move on Nintendo's part?

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Piracy killed "hardcore" games for the DS. This is a good thing.

Massive games like GTA only selling 100k isn't right...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Scribblenaughts, Layton, Zelda: ST and M&L:Bowsers Inside Story all took precedence for my wallet over GTA.

I don't think it was purely piracy to blame, there was A LOT of very good DS games. Certainly ones I found more appealing anyway.

"very difficult to do so because it's so sophisticated."

I'd give it 2 weeks to get cracked. Things rarely get broken directly, theres normaly some work-around.

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Darkflame said:
I'd give it 2 weeks to get cracked. Things rarely get broken directly, theres normaly some work-around.

Is that hopelessness for anti-piracy measures failing or hope to keep your precious homebrew I hear in those words?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Lol, I already read about this elsewhere. I think Nintendo are just saying it's too sophisticated to explain so hackers don't get the head start. Smilie

But, we'll soon see what happens. I do think an absense of homebrew is a loss, but the 3DS will be epic anyways. Smilie

I hope its very sophisticated. Pirates only ruin things for honest people.

theEvilJohn (guest) 11.07.2010#6

As a homebrew developer, I hope to see nintendo improve its relationship with the indie community. I believe this will also help curb piracy since much of the work cracking the DS's anti-piracy measures were by the homebrew community to allow them to develop games on the DS. I don't believe that this will entirely stop piracy though.

When will big piracy learn? They can spout how they can crack anything, but then companies like Nintendo will just make their hardware and software harder to crack. It's a viscous cycle that will never end.

No matter what system is released, it will always get cracked. Some may be harder to crack than others, but at the end of the day piracy will always exist. It's just one of those things you have to deal with.

I don't think making a "more sophisticated" system will stop piracy, even if piracy of 3DS games isn't available, the developers of flashcarts will find some way of getting the R4, Acekard and all other existing flashcarts to work on the 3DS.

( Edited 11.07.2010 12:00 by Mush123 )

according to some leaked specs (which were confirmed during e3) it uses ARM11 for antipiracy and anti-hacking. The hacking group over at GBAtemp said it's stronger, but no where close to hack proof.

I thought Nintendo already dealt with piracy by making a system that printed money?

Oh wait, the lack of evidence for harm doesn't mean anything...

Captain Jack (guest) 11.07.2010#11

LOL! Smilie

Al (guest) 11.07.2010#12

Just as long as they allow homebrew, and dont confuse it with piracy then I wont mind. Any online store they do should mirror the itunes app store with user generated content.

Callum (guest) 11.07.2010#13

They can try and prevent it all they want... Some hacker will crack it Smilie

Is that hopelessness for anti-piracy measures failing or hope to keep your precious homebrew I hear in those words?


PMD said:
When will big piracy learn? They can spout how they can crack anything, but then companies like Nintendo will just make their hardware and software harder to crack. It's a viscous cycle that will never end.

They enjoy the challenge.
The people cracking rarely are pirates themselves, its just a big interesting game.

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Zangalang (guest) 12.07.2010#15

True sophisticated anti-piracy measures are possible. As far as I know, the PS3 is still holding strong. They have created custom firmware, but besides the first wall, nothing else has been done.

royalty (guest) 12.07.2010#16

homebrew wil exist as long as people sell tiny compters that fit in ur pocket

The R4 guys will get around it. Hackers always do. I predict an R43D within six months to a year of 3DS launching.

Martin_ said:
The R4 guys will get around it. Hackers always do. I predict an R43D within six months to a year of 3DS launching.

Probably but it's going to be alot more annoying this time around with Nintendo improving their network, and will be pushing updates to the system.
The simple days of the DSlite are over lol.

The "unhackable" PS3 was hacked recently. Being merely "too sophisticated" isn't quite "unhackable", so I'm sure they'll hack the crap out of it within 2 years. Smilie

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I predict something along the lines of that whenever you connect to the net and there's an update, you have to update your platform....Maybe something like that.

Echoes221 said:
I predict something along the lines of that whenever you connect to the net and there's an update, you have to update your platform....Maybe something like that.

They do this on 360 and PS3 already (not sure about Wii). The problem with a handheld is that loads of people will never go online with it. I've had my DSi a week or so now. I thought about going online with it, but it just seems more hassle than it's worth. On the other hand, my consoles got plugged into the internet the day I got them home.

If it meant not going online with it until hackers crack the latest firmware, or even not going online at all, I'm sure that wouldn't prove too much a deterrence to those intent on hacking. For instance, I'd much rather be able to listen to MP3s and play MD and SNES emulators et al with my DSi than play Mario Kart 205 online with small rooms and no voices.

When you update the Wii it is through the system like the PS3 and 360 Martin, because that is how I lost my Homebrew channel. I am not sure if I will get it back because I used to have a lot of freezing problems when I was on the internet channel or just playing any games.

( Edited 13.07.2010 11:45 by Super Sonic )

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

SuperLink said:
The "unhackable" PS3 was hacked recently. Being merely "too sophisticated" isn't quite "unhackable", so I'm sure they'll hack the crap out of it within 2 years. Smilie

Probably had something to do with being last place for a while, expensive so not much interest and blu ray drives.

I honestly think it was just a lack of people bothering for a whle rather than having soe super unhackable hardware.

Same thing happened to gamecube, no interest, odd diskdrive ment there wasn't much of hacking scene untill the end of the hardwares life cycle which then carried onto the wii because it was so similer.
Then it had standardised components like DVD drives, USB, SD, blutooth, wifi built in to make it all that bit easier.

I am not sure if I will get it back because I used to have a lot of freezing problems when I was on the internet channel or just playing any games.

Shouldn't do that, unless you used any of wanikoko's shitty stuff

( Edited 13.07.2010 18:22 by Jimmy2000 )

Jimmy2000 said:
Shouldn't do that, unless you used any of wanikoko's shitty stuff

Lol Waninkoko, I use his Savegame Manager for backing up saves, no problems for me. O:

Mush123 said:
Jimmy2000 said:
Shouldn't do that, unless you used any of wanikoko's shitty stuff

Lol Waninkoko, I use his Savegame Manager for backing up saves, no problems for me. O:

Save game stuff isn't too bad but for dealing with firmware ios and that sort of stuff, don't use anything from him.

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