Michael Jackson Heading to Wii and DS

By Calum Peak 11.07.2010 10

Michael Jackson Heading to Wii and DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever wanted to learn Michael Jackson smoothest moves? Well, now you can with Ubisoft's Michael Jackson: The Experience which will be heading to both Wii and DS. Players will take on the role of the king of pop and learn some of his most iconic moves and performances to go with a famous back catalogue of songs such as Beat It and Billie Jean.

For the Wii, players will be able to follow Michael Jackson's routines courtesy of on-screen prompting and a Just Dance-esque movement system. Featured here will be an easy mode that will get the party swinging with everyone joining in on the fun, as well as a tutorial mode to nail those most auspicious of moves.

Michael Jackson: The Experience takes on a more rhythm based approach with tap-on gameplay, similar to that found in Elite Beat Agents with its easy to play, hard to master formula. Also included on the DS version will be Michael Jackson trivia as well as a few fun mini-games.

What would you like to see in Michael Jackson: The Experience?

Box art for Michael Jackson: The Experience








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Nov 2010   North America release date Nov 2010   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Neda (guest) 11.07.2010#1


( Edited 27.12.2012 06:47 by Guest )

m.j (guest) 11.07.2010#2


( Edited 30.11.2012 06:36 by Guest )

Salty Peppers (guest) 11.07.2010#3

How very constructive those 2 Smilie

Anyways I would like to see Billy Jean, Smooth Crim and Dirty Diana.

( Edited 30.11.2012 06:36 by Guest )

vera (guest) 11.07.2010#4


( Edited 30.11.2012 06:36 by Guest )


Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

If he didn't die, would they be making this game now?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

sandys (guest) 12.07.2010#7

PK Mongoose said:
If he didn't die, would they be making this game now?

I'm sure they were making a game before his death. After he died, I heard nothing of it - but this could be attributed to my general lack of interest in the title.

...the amount of facepalms I did while reading that small text, oh dear.

PK Mongoose said:
If he didn't die, would they be making this game now?

Nah, lol.

This one bettor include the Smooth Criminal 'coin-toss into the jukebox' like Moonwalker for the Mega Drive!

The game was announced before he died.

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