Sony Wants to Work with Nintendo on 3D

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.07.2010 28

Sony Wants to Work with Nintendo on 3D on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sony is dabbling with 3D games in the latest changes for the PS3, but isn't so happy with Nintendo's insistance on the no glasses approach.

Speaking to IGN this week, Shuhei Yoshida expressed some distaste in what Nintendo continually stated at this year's E3: "There's no need for glasses when playing games on the 3DS".

He admits the approaches to 3D output are similar to Nintendo's, but "they (Nintendo) don't have to bash some small part of what the other company (Sony) is doing." Sony's high definition experience, starting with a handful of games and updated PS3 firmware, requires glasses to view the images on a high-end television set.

If you really want a big theater experience, of course you have to wear glasses. With the latest technology, the glasses are light and you kind of forget you're wearing them after awhile.

Yoshida did admit that regardless of not yet sampling the 3DS, that he wants to work closely with Nintendo in getting the technology better known for games and help advance 3D games across the industry.

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Sonic_13 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Sonic_13 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
hell yea it's jealousy.

sony is just upset cause nintendo figured out how to do 3D w/o the glasses.

which if can be successfully mimicked for TV's.

no need for glasses at all!

there is a way, nintendo has done it's part, now it's up to tv manufacturers to do the same.

3D Tv won't be successful unless made affordable for everyone...otherwise it will stay a movie theare experience.

They can't do no-glasses 3D on a TV because it depends entirely on the angle of the viewer. Accomplishing everyone in a room having the exact same angle of viewing a TV is pretty much not possible.

3D TVs without the need for glasses already exist.

Then they aren't made for more than one person to watch at a time.

Actually Intel's glasses free TV's has eight possible viewpoints (thus at least eight people could watch it at once).

You missed the part where that's a tech demo. Nobody makes these for retail, or they'd go out of business because it would cost thousands of dollars to make each one.
Also, for that particular TV, the footage on it has to be shot specifically for it. And you have to stand at one of "eight specific points" in order to get the 3D effect.
They have tech demos, showing what will be possible in the future. But none of them actually sell in stores.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Sonic_13 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Sonic_13 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
hell yea it's jealousy.

sony is just upset cause nintendo figured out how to do 3D w/o the glasses.

which if can be successfully mimicked for TV's.

no need for glasses at all!

there is a way, nintendo has done it's part, now it's up to tv manufacturers to do the same.

3D Tv won't be successful unless made affordable for everyone...otherwise it will stay a movie theare experience.

They can't do no-glasses 3D on a TV because it depends entirely on the angle of the viewer. Accomplishing everyone in a room having the exact same angle of viewing a TV is pretty much not possible.

3D TVs without the need for glasses already exist.

Then they aren't made for more than one person to watch at a time.

Actually Intel's glasses free TV's has eight possible viewpoints (thus at least eight people could watch it at once).

LOL i ain't click the link just yet, but 8 is definitely better than 2 to 3 people in realistic numbers in terms of having them glasses.

eventually they can and will fine tune technology where more view point angles can be available. that's just how technology works.

using glasses is just keeping it at it's low/original level.

3DS is the first bold move in terms of successful gaming (though portable). But in time, I am sure 3DS v2 or v3 etc will most likely increase viewing angles.

iphone didn't go backwards and add a keyboard right? it's possible.

the push for the glasses use are to justify the purchase of these new tv's plain and simple.

i'm happy with my lcd for at least 4 more years.

darkflame (guest) 05.07.2010#28

Keven said:
To be honest, 1-3 hours is about all the 3D I can take. After that, my eyes just start to become tired.

Do you walk around with one eye shut then?

Dont get the method mixed up with the idea.
A particular method of 3d simulation might effect you one way, but its doughtfull all will effect you the same way.

PMD said:
Well, before holograms, I think that the viewing angle/head tracking for 3D TV's will improve to the point that multiple people will be able to watch 3D television without glasses.

I doubt holograms will ever be used for 3D viewing, since consumer technology rarely progresses towards sci-fi elements.

Well, the simple fact is we cant get light to stop in midair.
Lazer holograms work by bouncing a cross-hatch of light of smoke. Smart, but not practical for homes.

Theres also a method with no smoke, which requires blowing up small pocks of air. But that wont work in colour and isnt exactly safe Smilie

nah, its far far easier (imho) to develop tech to send individual images to each eye then to do true volumetric 3d. (even if its "fired" from little beams in the corner of your room straight to each persons eyes and tracked in realtime....still easier then "stopping" light in midair!).

My personal bets are on little projectors we clip on the side of our eyes though.Basicly tech we have now, but much smaler.
The advantages of augmented reality everywhere rather then just "holodecks" are huge.

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